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Earning Goodwill

Posted on Wed 25th Mar, 2020 @ 11:50am by Maiek s'Ethien & Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr & Khellian s'Siedhri MD
Edited on on Wed 25th Mar, 2020 @ 11:55am

800 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Dr. s'Siedhri's Home
Timeline: MD 16 Early Evening.

A knock sounded on the door, pulling Khellian from his reading and quiet introspection on the Xenobiology article he was reviewing again. It had been one of those things that he'd read a number of times without truly absorbing the information contained within. Khellian didn't know what to expect when he opened the door, but an elegant woman wearing the sigils of New Romulus prominantlly was definitely not among the possibilities he'd considered. "I am honored by your presence Ambassador, Enter and be welcome."

"I am honored by your hospitality."

"May I offer you a beverage?"

"Tea would be lovely, thank you."

A steaming pot of tea was already on the table and a nearly full cup sat beside the chair he'd been occupying, Verelan's sharp eyes had not missed it. A guest cup already sat empty beside the pot, a remnant of Romulan culture that pleased her to see in his home. He had not forgotten where he came from, or the traditions of their people. Seating herself on the couch she smiled softly at his abode. It was a combination of human decor in a Romulan style that managed to suit each other perfectly. A delicate balance- like the doctor himself. She waited politely for him to pour the tea and hand her a steaming cup. Raising it to her nose she allowed her eyes to close as she enjoyed the scent, sharp and herbal. Then she tasted it, the delicate herbs she'd smelled exploded on her tongue. "Doctor s'Siedhri. I have heard many positive things about you."

"Truly?" His brow furrowed even more than it already was as the good doctor's surprise showed on his face. How might the Romulan Ambassador

"Your colleagues in the medical community speak highly of you, you turn none away even if they cannot afford your services. If you don't know how to solve the problem, you research until you can offer a sollution and I have heard of your exploits in the poverty stricken areas of the station. I believe they called it the 'Brown Sector', your Dawnstar Clinic is a source of hope. I felt the need to meet you and speak with you a moment before I begged your assistance with a delicate problem, as well as offered you a gesture of my goodwill here."

"Might you be willing to explain?" Khellians confusion only grew at the spoken and unspoken messages in the words. She had to have looked him up in the database, and found the record small as it was of what he'd done. Kidnapping was no small crime and it was the only reason that she would need to offer him goodwill. She hadn't threatened him, which meant that her offer was genuine, or she was a better diplomat than even she gave herself credit for.

"It might be better to just show you. Once that is done, we will speak at length if that is agreeable." Her mysterious smile warmed her thin face, and made the woman look more approachable, less severe. The Ambassador persona faded for a moment and the woman sat beside him, eyes entreating him to just agree.

"Yes yes of course." His impatience must have showed in his voice, as he saluted her wryly with his glass. Sipping it, he placed it down on the table where it had been resting. "Bring on the mystery!"

"Maiek!" Verelan called out sharply, and it was the signal that Maiek had been waiting for just outside the house. He pushed open the door and entered the abode with a truly elderly Romulan woman on his arm. She was draped in reunificationist garments, in a Vulcan style that suited her, in the same green shade as her eyes which were bright with a fierce joy. Dr. s'Siedhri had risen to his feet to object to the violation of his privacy but the sight of this woman stopped him dead and for the second time in his adult life Khellian's legs failed him. When he couldn't walk he crawled to her feet and clutching the hem of her skirt like a child the doctor broke. All semblance of control was gone and huge wracking sobs tore through the man as the elder Romulan knelt and enfolded him in her robes. Tears glittered on her cheeks, falling into Khellian's short hair as she rested her cheek there atop his head. Her whispers were unheard by anyone except Khellian who still wept unrestrained.

Verelan and Maiek exchanged genuine smiles, and Verelan brushed joyful tears away from her own cheeks. Maiek fetched three more tea cups to avoid being overcome by the raw unrestrained joy in the room and Verelan poured for the two as the doctor was otherwise occupied. Having no pressing engagements, they could wait to speak.


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