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Collateral Damage - Heading Out

Posted on Sun 23rd Feb, 2020 @ 7:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Edited on on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 11:13pm

908 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Diplomacy
Timeline: MD 13 0900 hours

Diplomatic operations were running surprisingly smoothly. There had been no issues with the other consulates, no tantrums or demands, and no emergencies. In other words, things were going far too well and something was bound to happen sooner rather than later.

It was when Kiara was looking at her calendar and mentally commenting on the tranquility that the message came in from Helicon III requesting the assistance of the Chief Diplomat on Starbase 109 in settling a border dispute between the people of Kellios and the people of Nassan. After nearly a year of going back and forth, talks had broken down and war was imminent if they did not get help.

Kiara read the message twice, then looked up the planet and its inhabitants. There were six governments on the main continent, three laid claim to a mountain that held numerous caverns filled with bioluminescent spores that were now being used in mining in the southern mountains. The smaller of the three had been shut out by the other two who were now threatening to go to war over their claim.

She thought about sending one of her assistants, but the plea had been directed to her specifically and she felt this would be a good way to establish Starbase 109 as a neutral arbiter in such matters. So, she sent a message to the station's commanders informing them she would be away for several weeks and began to make preparations to depart.

"Valara, reserve a shuttle and pilot, I'll need them for two weeks, if all goes well."

"Yes, ma'am."

Her assistant returned a few minutes later. "One will be ready in an hour."

That was sooner than she anticipated, but Kiara knew that the sooner she left, the sooner this matter would be resolved. "All right. I'll go pack a few things. You're in charge until I return."

She sent a reply saying she would leave shortly and headed for her quarters to pack.

Once she was alone in her room, she called Dallas to let him know she'd be gone for a few weeks.

“A few weeks? That’s a long time, that’s like three Sundays.” Dallas said before adding, “I wish I could go and be your Security detail, but I’m needed here. You know, they have someone to fly VIPs around, he also doubles as a bodyguard. I had heard that he is good, really good so in his off time he trains my Security staff in self-defense and special tactics."

"That's good to know." She wished he were going with her, too, but she wasn't going to voice her feelings right now. She hoped she would be so busy that time flew. Otherwise...well, it might be good for them to be apart for a few weeks. At least she hoped so. "It is my hope it won't take them too long to come to an agreement."

"Me to." Dallas nodded. "Maybe we can talk each night over subspace."

"I'd like that." It would also help her not miss him so much. They weren't really a couple, but she felt like they were. "Dallas...I..." She shook her head. "Never mind." Maybe she'd tell him when she got back.

Dallas looked at Kiara with a soft puzzled look, “You know you can tell me anything, I feel that we are very good friends.” Dallas did want more than just friends, but wasn’t quite ready yet for that, he needed more time and hoped that Kiara would give him that.

"I know we're good friends," she said. "But there are things that I should keep to myself for now." Or forever. She wasn't sure yet. she needed this time to decide what she wanted to do with her immediate future. "I don't think I'll be too busy to talk, but I don't know exactly what I'm facing, and won't until I get there."

Dallas nodded, "Well, only you can decide what you need to say and when to say it, but you know I'm here whenever you feel like talking. Please, please be careful." Dallas said.

"I will," she promised. She blew him a kiss. "You be careful, too, Dallas." One day, perhaps, she'd tell him she was falling in love with him. Right now, it would only harm their friendship because he was still in love with his wife and not ready to move on. Or she'd come to a point where he still wasn't ready, and she'd find someone else. She had to remind herself that was still an option.

Dallas smiled at her gesture, "Thank you for the kiss, I want a real one when you get back."

She just smiled. "I should get ready. The shuttle will be leaving soon." The longer they talked, the harder it was to leave. But she had work to do, and sometimes work involved travel.

"I'm going to miss you, a lot...." Dallas said as he touched the screen. Dallas leaned back in his chair as the computer screen went to that of the Starfleet insignia. He pondered for a moment the thought of Kiara being out of his life for a few weeks and his heart ached.

Kiara watched the screen for a long moment, thinking of Dallas. Tonight, she told herself. They could talk again tonight. She hoped it would make the time go faster. With a sigh she turned and headed to her quarters to pack.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 5th Mar, 2020 @ 3:26am

Looks like interesting times ahead! I presume Jericho is the pilot? I look forward to seeing Kiara in action!