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Prototype Part V

Posted on Sat 1st Feb, 2020 @ 7:52pm by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,370 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Terus IV
Timeline: Backstory, about a month ago


Once at the front door, he hit the button on the remote detonator and kicked in the front door. The concussive sound of the explosion at the back door would have gotten everyone's attention. Once Elliot was inside, he threw two distractionary devices that lit up the room with several bright flashes and concussions, blinding and confusing defenders as Elliot's phaser rifle began to light up the room with its energy pulses. It indeed had multi-target acquisition and Elliot used that to his advantage and he fired the rifle at a high rate of speed, eliminating his hostile and deadly targets.


Hearing the commotion outside, Meghan knew her time was almost up. Who would come through the door when it was over? She wondered to herself. She was worried about Elliot but almost certain, he would be the one coming through the door momentarily. She smiled at the bloody mess of a man that lay beneath her, tied to the bed, gagged, bruised, and completely humiliated as she held her dagger at his throat.

Elliot had cleared the large room of all hostile targets and began walking towards the stairs when his tricorder emitted a warning sound. With his off-hand, he grabbed the device and flipped it open. He had the tricorder keeping an eye on the building that contained the prototype, but by these readings, the prototype had just left. He cursed under his breath before using the device to scan for other hostiles then cautiously mover up the stairs silently.

Elliot hugged the walls of the corridor as he moved and turned corners and tossed another distraction device that exploded in front of two men that were guarding a door that Elliot was sure housed Meghan. He fired two shots which dropped them before he reached the door.

Maggie was battered and bruised but she had things well in hand and was ready for whoever came through the door. When she saw it was her husband, she jumped away from her prisoner and into Elliot's arms. "Thank the gods. I was so worried about you." She hugged him.

Elliot grunted at the intensity that Meghan hugged him. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He asked.

"Scrapes and bruises." She softened her hug and stepped back. "May have lost a few strands of hair." She rubbed her head. "But you look injured." She could tell the way he stood that he was in pain. "What did they do to you?" She tried to look him over, but she knew there wasn't time for first aid.

"I got beat up a little and stabbed, but I'm okay, I used the first aid kit on the wound." Elliot pulled out his tricorder and scanned the area. "I'm glad you're okay." He said while scanning and then whistled, "Wow, we have a lot of company coming our way." Then he paused for a moment, "There is a ship on the roof, it looks like that's going to have to be our ride off of this rock. Oh, I forgot to tell you, the Prototype has already left so we will have to go after it."

Maggie nodded. "Then we'll have to get going." She looked over at the man she'd subdued on the bed. "Bet he knows something about what we need." She smiled. "I'll leave the convincing to you."

Elliot looked at his wife, "Why don't you go check out the ship upstairs while I chat with your little friend here." Elliot looked down at the man that was tied up and grinned.

Once Meghan was out of the room, he turned his attention back to the man that lay securely on the bed. "I noticed that you like hitting women. I don't like men that do that, I despise them and think they should be dealt with harshly." Elliot smiled again, "But you know what makes matters even worse for you? You beat on my wife and that just makes me want to beat you to death." The smile on Elliot's face went away.

The man on the bed looked up at Elliot with terror in his eyes, but said nothing at the moment and could barely blink his eyes. "I'm looking for something and perhaps you have heard about it or might even know where it is." Elliot began, "I'm looking for the plans to a small ship that came through a day ago, the Prototype was the name, where are the plans?"

"And what would you bargain with to get these plans?" He asked. His own self-preservation overriding his greed, but he couldn't help letting his eyes drift to the small locked trinket box on the table in the corner. It didn't look like anything, just a typical trinket box used for jewelry or gifting. 'If you want to hide something, put it in plain sight.' That motto had worked for him for years.

Elliot caught the eye movement and turned to see what he glanced at. He noticed the small jewelry box and smiled, however, caution alarms sounded in his mind, it could be a trap. "Is your life worth the trade?"

"Hey, I'm just a courier. Whatever it is you're looking for, It aint worth me dying over." The man responded without flinching and then smiled. "You should know that we intercepted the plans and the ship accidentally. I'm sure someone is looking for both." he gave a shrug. "My bet is they find you. I bet they won't be dispatched so easily by a sexy female in slave bracelets.

Elliot gave the man an evil grin, "They don't need to find me, I'll find them." Elliot wasn't going to mention that the Prototype had already left. It would probably head towards a Pirate base before being handed over to its buyer. Elliot and Meghan had a short window of opportunity to grab it, but odds are, it would be much, much harder to do. Elliot punched the man hard, knocking him unconscious. He shook his hand in the air and muttered to himself, "Ouch, that hurt..."

Maggie had made her way to the roof with no problem. She passed the thugs that had already met her husband along the way, but they were still well subdued and no threat to her at all. Spying the craft on the roof, she hurried over and began a pre-flight check. Elliot would pilot the craft, but she could have it ready to go. She quickly checked the navigation equipment, that the flight protocols were in place, and everything was in working order.

Elliot entered the small spacecraft and dropped his weapon on one of the seats in the back then sat in the seat next to his wife and handed her the isoliniar chip that he had taken from the trinket box. "I believe this is one of the things that we were looking for."

Maggie grinned. "I'll keep this safe." She placed the chip in the pocket that had been sewn into her bra.

Elliot smiled, "I like that hiding place." He turned back towards business and began to prep the small ship for launch. "Everything appears to be in the green, time to get out of here and go find that shuttle. Scan for its ion trail."

"Scanning now." Maggie said as she passed her fingers over the console in front of her. "This computer is old. It might take a few seconds.." She watched as the system scanned for the unique ion signature and smiled when it finally found its target. "There!" she pointed to the screen in front of her. "Bearing 277 mark 96." She looked at her husband. "Give me some time and I might be able to plot their course and see exactly where they're going."

“Sweet!” Elliot exclaimed, “Let’s get off this rock and go find our prize.” Elliot’s fingers ran nimbly over the console. He couldn’t Necessarily read the language, but the controls seemed to be the standard of what he was used to. The small ship gently lifted off and went vertically before the craft began to pick up speed. After a moment the nose rolled up and the spacecraft headed for space.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 6th Feb, 2020 @ 12:02am

Oh, gotta love a woman who can show a man a good time. LOL Great job of action adventure, both of you. I hope the Jericho team has many more wins ahead!