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Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted on Sat 8th Feb, 2020 @ 2:04am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,047 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Space Between SB109 and Nāmaka
Timeline: MD 3, 1120

Previously, returning to Starbase 109 ... With one final dip and dive, the small ship settled into an even ride. "There you go, Commander. And I don't think you put any of the AI gel chips in this system, so that should hold. I'm going to check on the scientists, and I'll be right back."

And now, what happened under the hood?

Feeling confident in the ship's stability again, McCord loosened the restraints that held her in place and then walked back to the galley area. She noted the two scientists were talking in low murmurs, and the CSO still had an ice pack to her head.

"You and Henry got the worst of that flight aberration," she said. "How's your head feeling?"

Jasmine smiled. "I think I'm going to have a headache for a couple of days, but I will be fine." She looked around slowly. Oscar was securely hiding under the table and appeared to be unharmed. "Do we know what happened?" After she saw that everyone was okay, she wanted to know what might have happened.

"I'll let Anthony explain it. I wanted to check on everyone back here, now that we're stable again. I see Oscar made it through in fine shape. He probably had ballet lessons as a puppy," Riko grinned before turning back to the front.

McCabe looked at his boss and shrugged. "From what I gather, some of the equipment that was being tested on this flight failed spectacularly. I don't know what exactly was going on, but it seems to have something to do with artificial intelligence and Starfleet orders."

"Well something failed." Jasmine smiled. "AI? Artificial Intelligence? Now that IS interesting."

"Yes, Ma'am, it is," Anthony agreed. "I figured out they were testing something, but that's the last thing I'd have guessed. Whatever it was, it doesn't seem to have done us much good. Can I get you something? Water? A snack? Aren't head injuries supposed to eat something? Or is it that they aren't supposed to eat? I'm not much of a medic!"

"Thank you, but I'm okay." She snickered. "I don't think it's a serious head injury, just a bump." She shrugged. She wanted to see what the others were discussing, but when she stood, she felt suddenly dizzy. "But I'll check with medical when we get back."

Back in the front of the yacht, Riko saw Henry was sliding out from under the console. She hoped he had an engineering fix for their problems.

"O.K., I have good news and bad news," Commander Perry stated as he stood up from the lower portion of the navigational control console. "Which do you want first?" he asked, looking from Riko to Hari.

"My studies of human beings, sir, lead me to believe that is what is called a loaded question. However, I believe I'll ask for the good news first," Seldon said.

Riko nodded, "Plenty of time to get to the bad part."

Henry paused for a second, trying to find the words to tell the others. "The ship is out of control, and I don't know where we are or where we are going. I am completely locked out of helm control and navigation control."

"That's the good news, Henry?" Riko exclaimed. "I'm not sure I want the bad news, then!"

"Well, go ahead and cover your ears then. 'Cause it does get worse." Henry walked over to one of the wall panels of the yacht and brought up the vessel's weapons display. "All weapons systems have been charged and the Quantum Torpedos have been armed...." Henry hesitated for a brief moment, not wanting to finish his sentence. ".... And I cannot turn them off."

Hari Seldon blinked once, and then again. "We're a flippin' flyin' time bomb," he said quietly.

Riko sat down in the nearest chair. "So ... these A.I. parts have made the decision that there's a threat out there, and we're going to wipe it out the minute it shows its face ... no matter what it is? Can we go warp and stay there while we try to figure out a solution?" she asked, as Jasmine came into the front, leaning slightly on her lieutenant.

"Is there anything on the scans that they could perceive as a threat? We aren't going to be attacking a visiting ship or anything are we?" Jasmine asked as she took a seat. She smiled at Anthony, "Thank you, I think I just stood up too fast."

Riko looked up from the jury-rigged science console. "I don't see anything. It doesn't mean there isn't anything. I tracked back along the path we followed like a drunkard on Saturday night, but I don't see anything that could have set off this behavior. Our first task is to either change the ship's mind, or disarm the weapons. Commander Perry, which do you think we are most likely to be able to do?"

Henry sat there for a moment, hearing Riko's question and thinking about what to do. "We are going to work on both," Henry stated with a look of determination on his face.

"O.K. Hari and Riko, your job is to change the ship's mind as you say. Hari, since you have the best understanding of A.I. here, we need you to either communicate with the A.I. or find a way for us to stop this Vessel. Jasmine and Anthony, you are going to help me get our weapons systems offline. I don't care if we have to physically rip the phasers out of the ship themselves. Any questions?"

"I'm on it," Seldon said, moving to what had previously been the engineering console. "Let me see what I can access from here. Commander McCord, are you able to communicate with the ship's computer at all?"

"I'll figure out a way," she responded, bending over the console she'd been using.

"Well," Anthony said to his department head, "I guess that means it's a good thing we've had those lunch-hour workouts you instituted!"

Jasmine laughed. "Let's hope it doesn't come down to physically tearing them from the ship. But whether it does or doesn't, I'm glad we're both in shape. I wouldn't wish to go crawling through the Jefferies tubes trying to catch my breath."


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