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Prototype Part IV

Posted on Sat 18th Jan, 2020 @ 4:43am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho
Edited on on Sat 18th Jan, 2020 @ 4:43am

1,480 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Terus IV
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago


"Take him out back and get rid of him." He ordered.

Three men grabbed Elliot roughly and began to drag him towards the back.

"NO!" Maggie didn't fight, but she couldn't help let a yelp of despair leave her lips. She didn't want Elliot to go out alone.


Eliot was reasonably sure that he could take these three fools once they were out the back door and out of sight, as long as he had at least his legs free. The thing that Elliot didn't take into account is that one of the thugs had a knife. Once they were outside, the one with a knife stabbed Elliot in the back just under his ribs. They dragged him aways out into the desert area and beat him for a while. "Forget about the slave, she belongs to Talbert now. Come back here again and we won't give you a chance to live, she ain't worth it." The lead thug said to Elliot.

"She is to me..." He whispered as the three walked away. He collapsed to his knees, then fell over onto the soft sand. His vision went blurry then he lost consciousness.

More afraid of what was happening to Elliot than what might happen to her, Maggie immediately went into her role. She would play along with the charade until she had the chance to escape or until things went further than she would allow them to. Elliot had the 'key' to her bracelets, so her hands were free. She still had her blades well hidden on her person.

She'd been taken for 'entertainment' and went into character. There was music playing and there were other women dancing, so Maggie started swaying her hips back and forth to the music. She moved her arms with her body with a ballerina's precision. She increased her tempo with the music as she danced specifically to arouse the men. The one called Talbert seemed to be unable to take his eyes off of her. She remembered the lessons she'd once taken in Eastern Belly Dancing to impress Elliot and soon she was dancing around the room, gyrating, swaying, and snapping her fingers. She needed one of them to 'claim' her so she could be alone with him. She could overtake one, maybe two, but there were too many here now.

Elliot dreamed of his wife, like many times before, but this was no ordinary dream. It was more like a nightmare and was mainly about Meghan being in trouble and needing his help. Elliot had several dreams that moment and the last caused him to will himself awake. He slowly opened his eyes and then in a rush, he remembered where he was and what had happened to him and to Meghan. He had a burning sensation in his back where he was stabbed, but he managed to get up to his feet. He reached into the side pocket of his pants and put on a small wristwatch type piece of equipment and turn it on.

A moment later it started to beep and gave direction and distance. Elliot began to follow that arrow and he walked. He had no idea how long he had been asleep, but he needed to complete his mission and get Meghan back before that Prototype was picked up. After several kilometers of walking through the desert-like terrain, Elliot made it to where he was going, the crate of equipment that he had beamed down.

First things first, he had to take care of that wound. He grabbed the first ad kit and fixed himself a hypo that would prevent infection and administered it to himself, then he grabbed the dermal regenerator. With his opposite hand, he lifted his shirt and then began to repair the wound from the outside. Even though the wound was completely healed on the outside, he could still bleed on the inside if he didn't rest for days. Unfortunately, Elliot didn't have days to rest, he had to continue the mission.

Elliot prepared another hypo, this one would stimulate the production of blood in his body and would also help to stop internal bleeding. It was created by Doctor Hydrick Fausto and used only for Soldiers and ones that needed to finish a mission once injured and was known for having side effects so it was not used often.

Elliot was very tender and had no idea how effective he would be in hand to hand combat so he chose firepower over stealth and armed himself with several type 2 hand phasers and one Mk 3 Phaser Rifle. The Mk 3 had sixteen power settings, fully-autonomous recharge capability, multiple-target acquisition, and gyro-stabilization. It was also his favorite when he had quite a few targets to deal with. He also picked up a hand full of distraction devices and stuffed a knife in his boot. Once he had all his gear, he quickly downed some water and ate a ration then headed out to find his wife.

As Maggie's dance ended, a large man stood. He turned to the others and there was some discussion. Maggie couldn't tell whether it was negotiating or arguing, but she could tell it was about her. A knife came out and the large man was stabbed. Falling to his knees, he gasped his last breath before falling over as his blood slowly pooled under him. Maggie knew things were going to be more complicated and difficult than she'd thought. She tried to think about what she could do. If Elliot was in trouble, she'd have to get herself out of here. The large man would have been easier to take. This Orion would be more difficult. He seemed more cunning, How would she trick him?

"You!" He snapped his fingers in her direction jolting her back to the situation at hand. He pointed toward the floor directly in front of his feet. "Here!" Again with a determined bark of orders. Maggie wasn't sure what to do, but she wasn't given time to think about it. The man grabbed her by her hair, tangled his fingers in and yanked her to his side.

"You may have had liberties with your 'previous' master, but with me, you WILL obey." He tightened his grip on her hair tugging so hard, Maggie thought it might come out. "I speak. You move. Understood?!"

"Ah," Maggie gasped. "Yes!" She didn't try to pull away. If she had, he might do something more.

"Yes, SIR!" He shook her slightly to emphasize his point.

"Y-yes sir." She responded. She was playing her role, but she was fighting the pain and panic just as much.

"Good girl." The man growled in her ear. He didn't loosen his grip at all as he pushed her to arm's length. "Lock the door behind us and kill anyone that tries to enter." He gave a malicious grin. "I'm going to teach my new pet here, a few lessons." He pulled her close and pressed his mouth hard against her lips forcing them to part as he kissed her. Maggie wanted to bite his tongue off, but she knew he'd kill her. There were too many here for her to escape. She struggled only enough to show fear, but she was sure to submit.

As the guards posted themselves at the door, they could hear screaming and fighting from inside the room. They knew what was going on behind the door and smiled a knowing smile at each other. The breaking glass and shaking of the door weren't unusual for a new conquest. Drakken was adept at 'schooling' his new slaves.

Elliot headed back to the building where his wife was taken from him. He was still able to move under the cover of darkness, but by the time he arrived at the back of the building, it was nearing sunrise. He scanned the building thoroughly with a tricorder and noticed 11 armed bad guys and several unarmed combatants plus the life signs of his wife.

He cautiously approached the back door and tested it, it was locked. He was ready for some distractions so he planted an explosive device on the door and pulled out the remote detonator before heading to the front of the building.

Once at the front door, he hit the button on the remote detonator and kicked in the front door. The concussive sound of the explosion at the back door would have gotten everyone's attention. Once Elliot was inside, he threw two distractionary devices that lit up the room with several bright flashes and concussions, blinding and confusing defenders as Elliot's phaser rifle began to light up the room with its energy pulses. It indeed had multi-target acquisition and Elliot used that to his advantage and he fired the rifle at a high rate of speed, eliminating his hostile and deadly targets.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 5th Feb, 2020 @ 11:59pm

What is so amazing is that this is completely different from other characters you both play. Great job of keeping the pressure and the excitement up.