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Prototype Part III

Posted on Sat 18th Jan, 2020 @ 4:33am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,099 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Arrival at Terus IV
Timeline: Back Story, about a month ago


Maggie felt the ship drop out of warp and rolled over on the bed. Patting her husband's shoulder to wake him, she smiled when his eyes opened. "Okay sleepy head, I think we must be close." She playfully rolled over him to get off of the bed. She'd relaxed a little more as they made progress on their adventure. The closer they got to actually starting the real mission, the more she felt like she could do this.

“I guess it’s time to go to work then.” Elliot groaned. He began to get up and then slowly dressed. He had a hard time sleeping in that bunk. “Man, I must be getting old, my back is stiff.”

"Really? I slept quite comfortably." She grinned. Maggie had resorted to her old habit of garnishing all the room for herself. She enjoyed cuddling, sometimes to the point of inconvenience to her husband.

“Yeah, you probably used me as a body pillow, not that I mind.” Elliot grinned.

"Maybe, but you're about to use me as slave labor, so I think it's fair," She laughed as she leaned over and pecked his cheek. "But we really need to get into character. I felt the ship drop out of warp about five minutes ago."

Elliot nodded, “I need to have our equipment transported down and hidden just in case we need them. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Elliot quickly left.

Meghan used Elliot's absence to change into the small tunic that would be her costume. She donned the sandals and then the magnetic bracelets.

Elliot returned a few minutes later, "Wow, you look good; like you should look for this mission. Are you ready to beam down? We have achieved orbit and it's time to go down to the surface."

Maggie placed the small phaser in the small pouch between her breasts and nodded. "I think I'm ready."

A knock came at the door, “Jericho, it’s time to beam down to the planet.”

Elliot looked at his wife, “Okay, we’ll be right there.” He paused for a moment and took his wife’s hand, “You ready?”

Maggie gave a wry smile. "As I'll ever be." She nodded.

The couple walked down the corridor to the transporter room, then beamed down to the planet. It was night time and fairly dark on the desert type planet. A full moon was the only light source that they had at the moment. Very close by was a small settlement where the Jerichos could hear laughter.

"Sounds like they're all having a good time." Maggie smiled. "I suppose you want to check it out, love?" She had donned a gold-colored cloak to keep things hidden as long as she could. In the night time air, even a slave would be afforded protection from the cold. She was glad for that.

"Not particularly," Elliot said. "I would prefer just to grab the thing and get out of here." Elliot pulled his tricorder out and did a quick scan. "I've located it, it's in a warehouse a few blocks away. It's protected by some shields so we would have to work to get to it."

"Okay, so what's the plan." She asked her husband.

“Well, we make our way to the warehouse now, while it’s dark. We get a better scan with the tricorder, then deal with any security, man or technology. We Hotwire the ship and get the flock out of here.” Elliot said then looked at his wife,” Let’s do this.”

"I'm right behind you." She nodded. "What about the schematics? Should we look for them?"

Elliot nodded as he put his tricorder away, "Definitely, and if we can't find them with a good search then we torch the building and hope that they are hidden somewhere there."

"Maybe you should go after the prototype while I go after the schematics," Maggie suggested. "I mean, think about it. If we get the ship, they're going to be all over us. We won't get a chance to find the plans, we'll be too busy trying to get out of here alive." She put her hand on his shoulder, knowing he wouldn't like the idea. "Dressed like this, I can say I'm the evening's entertainment and get in the main office. Drug the kingpin, search for the plans and get out while you find a way to get to the ship. Get into orbit and beam me aboard, with the plans." She smiled.

Before the couple could even think about separating, a door opened at the building nearest them and a scruffy looking man stepped out and looked at them, “You there, come here and bring your female companion, we need some evening entertainment.” Elliot looked at his wife. “Well, come on, get over here!” The man said loudly.

"Showtime." She whispered to her husband. It was either fight and flee or dig in and do what they needed. Maggie didn't like either choice, but it was going to be the only way to get what they came here for. "Don't you lose me." She whispered as Elliot took her arm.

"That's it, come on in." He said with a gruff voice. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in roughly. "You sure are a pretty young thing, aren't you."

Elliot had a hard time restraining himself from beating the crap out of the guy that grabbed Meghan but followed them in. He couldn't let Meghan out of his sight just in case she needed him.

Maggie knew not to speak. If they saw her as Elliot's slave, she could be beaten or even killed for not playing along. She gave her husband a quick wink to let him know that she was okay.

A man walked up to her and eyed her up and down. This man was different from other men in the room, he looked of some importance, maybe from the way he carried himself. He grinned, "She's perfect, I want you to take her and clean her up and then take her to my room." He looked at the other man that brought her in. "Who is the owner of this woman?"

The man that brought Meghan in turned and pointed to Elliot. "That's him Boss."

"Take him out back and get rid of him." He ordered.

Three men grabbed Elliot roughly and began to drag him towards the back.

"NO!" Maggie didn't fight, but she couldn't help let a yelp of despair leave her lips. She didn't want Elliot to go out alone.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 5th Feb, 2020 @ 11:55pm

Now that's a great cliff hanger moment! I'm not sure if this was their plan, or not their plan, it's so well carried out.