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Hisl ehief*

Posted on Mon 20th Jan, 2020 @ 12:46am by Maiek s'Ethien & Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr

1,007 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Romulan Counsular Quarters
Timeline: August 2393 (backdated)

The Romulan heart burns just as its ancestors in the deserts of Selaya did. The reunificationist journals that he'd found at the bookstore had been something of an eye opener for the young romulan. The split of Logic and rational thought from their violent bloody ways, and the sundering of the People. One set to leave Vulcan forever and become Rihannsu. It was, in a word oft overused by the Vulcans- Fascinating.

Verelan entered his quarters and slid into a chair without even requesting entry. He was startled by it, and his curious look did not go unnoticed by his aunt.

"Aunt, are you well?"

"Aye nephew. You seem troubled, have seemed troubled for the past few days. And I chimed for admittance several times before simply entering. You seemed to not hear the chime."

"I was reading a book I found. I am uncertain how to put it into words the maelstrom of emotions inside me. It tells of the initial Schizm between the peoples and what led to the exodus to Romulus. The book only enhances my feelings about my explorations on the station itself and my interactions with the crew. " He paused a moment and his face flushed deeply "I find myself unsettled by a woman. If she were Romulan I would know how to proceed, but she is not."

"Have you made a friend among the crew?" Verelan was an expert in reading people, and her nephew was not accustomed to guarding his face. As an artist he'd never had the need, for he'd been encouraged in his craft to feel emotions deeply and express them just as deeply.

"No? " He paused to let out a breath and lean forward to press his elbows into his knees. " I, fires take me, I am not certain. She was visibly interested in me at the spa, and I find myself physically attracted to her. I was unaware that I could be attracted to someone not Rihannsu. I never even considered the possibility. Yet, I find her decorating my dreams in a manner that she might find embarrassing."

Verelan laughed softly at the imagery that painted for her. She remembered all too well the pleasure of finding a partner in one's dreams and then having it spill over into reality. "Tell me of her."

"Her name is Mary Elizabeth Gregory. I met her for only a short time at the Veruna Spa. We were both in the heated pools, and she was wearing this red scrap of clothing apparently called a bikini. Humans have odd names for their swimwear. While she was not the only female in such a garment, I cannot put into words how it made me feel to see her in it. We spoke of Romulus, and philosophy as well as the similarities between our peoples. The Romulan heart and the Human heart are not so different. I have set eyes on her thrice more since then by accident, since he owns a business here on the station called the Hangman's Noose. The imagery is that of the ancient human corporal punishment which allowed death by hanging. I will have to ask her about it at a later time. They serve human food there, and the smell from the place is utterly divine. "

"I will have to go there. I have yet to dislike something you have recommended as far as human food is concerned."

"Would it be permitted for me to court her?"

"Do you desire to make her yours?"

"I might. It is far too early to speak of such things, but if it were to be forbidden I might try to reconsider. Or I might resign entirely to pursue my passions." Maiek pressed his lips together in thought.

"One of the inevitabilities of living aboard a station such as this, is the fact that our people will no longer only mingle with other Romulans. " Verelan held up a hand when he bristled at that statement. "There is a reason I chose for you to go out among the others Maiek. While I didn't forsee that you would become attached to a human, that fact alone could be beneficial to us. Love between our peoples can only cement our bonds here. You were never destined to be an attaché forever, and I know your skills lay elsewhere. I treasure the garmets you have made for me. "

"I want to design for her, I have sketches of her in the colors of the forest and sky. Were I to place her in flame colors I may not be able to resist her charms. I confess that I have long ached to be so inspired." He beamed at her, his eyes alight with the passion he held for his craft.

"You are aware there are some, both human and romulan who would frown upon such a relationship?"

"Yes aunt, I am aware."

"And you still wish to court her?"

"I think I might." the young man chewed his lip in a nervous gesture that was more than a little endearing.

"I would be a fool to tell you to guard your heart, for I have been known to follow mine." chuckling for a life lost to the past, for her own spouse had been lost on Romulus when it burned. He'd refused to leave his family's ancestral home and had died with it. Reaching out her hand she lifted his chin to force his gaze onto hers. "You make me proud nephew, you always have. Speak to her of your feelings when the time is right, and if the turnings bring you to wishing to formalize your relationship to this human I will stand beside you."

Maiek looked at her for a long moment and then bowed his head in supplication briefly to his elder. Then in a flash he remembered her asking him to come to the Restaurant to have tea. "Thank you. I... will take her up on her offer of a date."


*Permission to do something important


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