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A Chance For Tea.

Posted on Mon 20th Jan, 2020 @ 12:29am by Maiek s'Ethien & Mary Elizabeth Gregory

1,107 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: The Hangman's Noose Tavern, Deck 650
Timeline: August 2393 (backdated)

Maiek s'Ethien had never been indecisive before in his life. When he knew what he wanted , he pursued it relentlessly as that was the Romulan Way. It hadn't taken him long to learn that the Romulan Way was not the only way, and that many species...many individuals did things very differently. What a Romulan might pursue out of dedication to duty, a Human might see as obsessive and a Bolian might view as insanity. It had been intriguing these past few days (weeks?) to observe the Starfleet Diplomats, for he absorbed the information they gave both willingly and unwittingly, as a sponge did when dry and newly placed in water. He hoped his reports to the Ambassador were as intriguing to read as he found the work to be. Gazing into the Hangman's Noose, he took a deep breath and entered the restaurant.

The question remained, would she view his interest as a pleasing thing?

"Good afternoon, sir, and welcome to The Hangman's Noose! I'm Mitzi. Could I help you find a table?" The woman speaking to him looked past middle age, but she had a friendly smile, and her graying hair was styled in a pageboy cut. She wore a black t-shirt with the Noose's logo on the left side of her chest, and black slacks. "We have booths, tables, and spaces at the bar, so you can sit anywhere."

"You may, I would prefer a quiet spot if that can be managed. Might you also be able to grant me a small request? Might you tell Miss Gregory that I would like to take her up on the offer of tea?" His smile was gentle, and only increased his attractiveness when he did so.

Mitzi's eyes widened slightly, but she gave no other indication that Maiek had surprised her. "It would be my pleasure," she said, smiling. "Come this way." Mischief lit her expression as she seated him at what she had come to think of as 'Mr. Collins' booth.' She gave the Romulan gentleman a menu along with his silverware and told him she'd be back to take his tea order shortly.

She all but flew into the kitchen.

"Where's Mary Elizabeth?" Mitzi asked Mrs. Ellis, who was busy stirring a pot of thick, Loaded Baked Potato soup.

"In the office. Is something wrong?"

"Only that the most drop-dead gorgeous Romulan I have ever seen just walked in, asked for a quiet table, and told me to tell Mary Elizabeth that he was taking her up on an offer of tea."

"Did he, now?" Mrs. Ellis gave Mitzi a serenely speculative look. "Shall we be wicked meddlers, and make it afternoon tea?"

Mitzi sputtered with laughter. Tea was simply the beverage. Afternoon tea, on the other hand could mean an elaborate snack comprised of finger sandwiches and small cakes. "I'll throw in 20 quid for the cause. You're on. I'll just let Herself know she has a gentleman caller."

She went to the manager's office door and knocked. "Miss Gregory?"

"Come in!" The office door slid open, and Mary Elizabeth peered at Mitzi from her desk. She was dressed the same as her hostess. "What's with all the formality?"

Mitzi grinned. "I have been informed, by a gentleman of the utmost refinement, that he would like to take you up on your offer of tea. He's sitting where Mr. Collins usually has dinner with Miss Addams."

Mary Elizabeth's eyes went wide. "Wha--Oh! He's here? Oh, my! Yes! I'll be right out. I just have to fix my hair."

"Your hair looks fine, dearie; just go on out. I'll be 'round with your tea in a moment."

"That's darling of you, Mitzi. Thanks!" Mary Elizabeth dashed out of her office, patting her hair as she went.

Maiek's nostrils flared as he caught the scent of subtle perfume and something both unique and personal to Mary Elizabeth. Imprinting it into his memory was easy as his thoughts towards Miss Gregory were of an intimate nature. I hope my presence is welcomed and I didn't misread her interest in me. When he rose slightly he caught sight of her approaching his table with a delicate flush on her features. That caught his attention and held, and he couldn't help but wonder how far down that rosy pink shade went. "Good afternoon" he greeted her when she was close enough to hear his words.

"Maiek, it's delightful to see you!" Mary Elizabeth said, hoping she didn't sound like a giddy girl. I probably do, she thought. "How have you been?" She slid into the seat opposite him. "I'm so pleased you decided to come."

"I am pleased to be here." his smile warmed for her. There was a clear but unspoken 'with you' in the tone of his voice. "Your staff is staring at us," he observed quietly and then cocked his head to one side and chuckled. "They seem to think I have ulterior motives for being here."

Mary Elizabeth mock-batted her eyelashes. "Well, it wouldn't be very fun if you didn't," she said with a grin that turned into a chuckle. "They're used to seeing me chat up people at the bar. Seeing me go off to a booth to be alone with someone is a new experience for them. I shall probably be questioned for details and teased unmercifully once you leave."

"Is that accurate?" he seemed to be thinking for a long moment and then gave her a smile that was equal parts suggestive and amused. Reaching his hand across the table he held it palm up, hoping she might place her hand in his. "What do you say we give them something to speculate upon, if the teasing is inevitable?"

Mary Elizabeth thought a moment. She readily accepted the invitation that his open palm offered, but she didn't lean forward. "Even for the sake of entertaining my staff, I've only met you once. I'd like to get better acquainted with you before I kiss you, all right?" She smiled, and her eyes glinted with merriment. His palm felt delightfully warm against hers. "But I certainly do hope kissing you is in our near future."

He tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and gently tugged her to her feet so he might lead her from her own establishment and away from prying eyes and ears. His voice seemed deeper as he was right beside her when he spoke in a tone that was only for her ears. "Kissing is only the beginning of my ulterior motives a'rhea, I promise you."


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