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Who Revels Behind the Mask?

Posted on Fri 10th Jan, 2020 @ 12:19am by Menali Coburn & Miranda Callas & Mary Elizabeth Gregory & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Lieutenant Nalani Emmiad & Maiek s'Ethien

1,651 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Taproom, The Hangman's Noose, Deck 650
Timeline: MD-15, 2100 hours

(Christmas Eve, 2393)

The Hangman's Noose taproom had been hung with Christmas greenery bedecked with red ribbons since mid-month. Tonight was Christmas Eve on Earth, so by now, the taproom had been decked out with a lit and decorated Christmas tree, mistletoe hanging from the main chandelier, and the aromas of a medieval Christmas feast. The scents of cloves and cinnamon tickled at Mary Elizabeth's nose, along with those of various meats, vegetables, and cheeses.

Tables and chairs had been moved away from the center of the taproom to make space for dancing, and the wooden floor had been polished to a high shine. Some of the tables had been pushed together along opposite sides of the taproom so that food could be laid upon them. There were tables for light snacks, meats, side dishes, desserts, and beverages.

"Oh, good, you're in a costume," Mrs. Ellis, Mary Elizabeth's cook, said with a nod at the House Gryffindor robes and black mask that Mary Elizabeth wore. "The way you kept talking about working during the party, I was beginning to worry."

"My plan is to work during the party," Mary Elizabeth told her. "You lot have worked your fingers to the bone, cooking all of this and decorating the place. The least I can do is work tonight so you all can take a break and enjoy the fruits of your labors."

Mrs. Ellis gave her a stern look. "As if you didn't lift a finger to help us. None of that, my girl. You are the hostess. You have to go out and host. You can't do that if you're running back and forth from the kitchen all night. Your job is to attend to your guests. We'll all rest tomorrow, be assured. I plan to sleep in until at least noon."

"You'd better!" Mary Elizabeth ordered, smiling. "It looks like people are beginning to arrive. The Doctor just walked through the door."

"Dr. who?" Mrs. Ellis asked as she headed back to the kitchen.

Mary Elizabeth grinned. "Exactly!"

Alora hadn't been sure what she'd wanted to be and was afraid her costume was a bit obscure but it made her smile so she did it anyway, she was dressed in ancient Earth Irish garb, finely made but of the sort a practical person would have worn. She had blacksmithing tools on a leather belt and a lovely cloak about her shoulders. She was dressed like a female version of Gaibhne, the Metal Smith to the ancient fae of Ireland, the Tuatha Dé Danann. Also associated with hospitality, so Alora rather felt a kinship with the ancient fixer and maker of things. She walked in, enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday.

Damion had decided to dress up as a Vulcan for the masquerade party--just to see if he could pull it off. He wore a tunic and trousers of an ancient Vulcan style, tucked into soft leather boots, with a sheathed sword hanging from one hip. The trick of this historical character, S'harien, was that he had objected to Surak's teachings yet was ostensibly being portrayed by a modern Vulcan who embraced those teachings--a modern Vulcan who, Damion had decided, couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. If only the darned ears didn't hurt so much!

The tavern wasn't terribly crowded when Damion arrived, so the Bajoran lady dressed as a female blacksmith wasn't difficult to spot. Curious at seeing the Celtic knotwork adorning her tunic, he walked over to her and gave her a slight bow. "Good evening. It is pleasing to meet a fellow metalworker here."

A great debate had taken place in the kitchen of Orchids & Jazz. In fact, there was a betting book open on the counter, which was how Jade found out that her employees had dressed her variously as Little Bo Peep, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette, Snow White, Princess Leia (which made her smile), Wonder Woman (which made her laugh out loud), and Joan of Arc. Shaking her head, she passed on into the kitchen to speak to the dessert chef, ensuring that there would be plenty of sweets for the extended Christmas Eve hours.

When she at last showed up at the masquerade ball, she was none of the imagined women, but was well hidden behind the mask of Rani Padmini, an Indian queen of dubious authenticity from a thousand years in the past. Paying tribute to the heritage she was often supposed, by those who didn't know her as El Aurian, to have, her long dark hair was down, but mostly covered by an elaborate red headdress, involving a great deal of twisting and twining of leaves and vines among metallic designs. Her dress was made of a shining gold material, wrapped in layers around the top, but draping into full skirts toward the bottom, and covered with a sleeveless red cape trimmed in gold. Her fingers sported only one golden ring with a large marquis-cut ruby.

As she wandered into the Hangman's Noose alone, it was anyone's guess who the beautiful woman was, or even was supposed to be. Everyone took note of her as she passed by, but no one could bring themselves to actually speak to her. Her carriage was that of a queen, and the original Padmini, if she existed, could not have competed with her air of assured superiority. When a waiter ventured to offer her a glass of golden mead, she took it with a small nod of the head.

Maiek could no more avoid this masquerade than he could return Romulus to glory. He however, having interacted with the owner of this establishment found he didn't want to avoid the party that followed the caroling. He'd been planning this costume for quite some time, and had found a creature of Earth Mythology to dress himself as. A dragon. He'd decided to go with a verdigris color, so he could incorporate copper, green, teal and gemstones into his costume. A pair of skin tight green silk pants became the base, and he'd picked out scales down the legs in brilliant copper. The wings were simulated, silk printed onto a cloak that billowed out behind him, attached to his shoulders with an intricate collar. He'd crafted an intricate mask to go with it with layers of intricate scales and horns that emerged from his hair, that took the costume to the next level. He was an accomplished artisan, and this job as ambassador's aide was merely a thing to do since his skills had not been called for until now.
Part of costume:

He'd created a water elemental costume for his aunt Ambassador Verelan, since that was her birth element. It had taken him almost a week of sewing to create both costumes and he was extremely proud of them both. She was in layers and layers of blue and silver silk, and iridescent scales. Instead of a mask, Verelan was painted in exquisite makeup, with scales and jewels glued to her, and a crown that glittered with sea jewels.

Alexia had been thrilled with the idea of a masquerade ball, and actually pulled out some of her collection of ancient masquerade masks. Being a fan of the italian style of masquerade, she was eager to attend this event. She herself dressed in a head to toe costume, in the style of the Venetian masquerade. Her gown was a magnificent peachy pink color, with accents of scarlet and gold.

Kiara dressed in a full medieval gown representing Titania, Queen of the Fairies. The costume consisted of a dark green gown embroidered with leaves and flowers. She'd artificially grown her hair so that it now piled on top of her head in ringlets surrounding a filigree crown. Her mask was in a matching gold.

She walked in and nodded to those she met.

"Oh, that's beautiful!" Mary Elizabeth said when she caught sight of 'Titania.'

Kiara bowed in response. "Thank you." Her voice was lower and softer than usual, to fit the character.

"Disney has nothing on the customers of The Hangman's Noose," Mrs. Block murmured to Hieronymus, as they stood in the entrance to the restaurant. "Perhaps we should have dressed up more."

"Our costumes are just fine," her husband replied, flicking a bit of lint off his yellow brocade waistcoat as elegantly as any dandy ever had. "You've never looked lovelier, and in rags you would outshine any of these women."

She curtsied low in her Edwardian high-waisted dress, a simple blue affair, and with a small laugh said, "Thank you, kind sir. You exaggerated slightly, but I'll certainly take the compliment." She offered him her hand.

Taking it, he bowed low over her fingers and kissed them with an elegance no one who'd ever argued with him could have imagined. He might be a little tyrannical in the base greenhouses, but where his wife was concerned, he was completely different. He placed her hand inside his elbow and they walked into the crowded room.

"That is so totally cool!" Menali Coburn whispered to her friend Miranda from where they stood near the hostess' station. "I don't think I've ever seen a guy kiss a woman's hand before, except in old videos."

"What do you think their costumes are?" Miranda wondered aloud, "Mary Poppins and Bert?"

"They're a little old for that," Menali said.

"So? I'm a little young to be dressed up as Mae West, but here I am," Miranda replied and flounced her feather boa.


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