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The Picnic Principle

Posted on Thu 31st Oct, 2019 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Ensign Joshua Schwartz

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Tactical Operations, Deck 1896
Timeline: MD 12, 1610

It's the picnic principle. Things taste better outdoors. ~~Franny Billingsley

"I must say, I'm surprised you were actually able to find your way down here," Andrew spoke as the door closed behind him and Josh.

He made the comment before seeing Serena in a stunning dress holding what looked like a wooden basket of some sort. She had her back turned and was inspecting the few wall decorations more than any other person he had ever seen.

Stopping a couple paces outside his office, Andrew finally got a vague idea of what she was up to and gave a side glance to Josh, wondering what his reaction would be. To his credit, he seemed to try his best and maintain a professional demeanor, but Andrew could tell the man's mind was full of comments.

As Serena snapped her head around quickly to meet his gaze, Andrew simply gave a warm smile.

Josh, sensing an opportunity, took a half step closer to Andrew and quietly commented, "Does this mean we can pick this up tomorrow?"

Handing the PADD to the Ensign, Andrew turned his head towards Josh and said dryly, "You would be correct, Josh. But I wouldn't linger around here if I were you."

The Ensign simply nodded and smiled turning towards the exit and exchanged looks with the petty officer as Andrew moved closer to Serena. "This is a pleasant surprise. May I ask what brings you down to my neck of the woods?"

"Oh, I heard you had a good looking petty officer working for you, so I came down to check him out," she said, winking at the young man at the desk. "Of course, I expect you've loaded him with a ton of work that will keep him here for hours yet, so I suppose I'll have to invite you to the Teddy Bears Picnic instead."

Andrew gave a quick glance over at the two men still hovering by the door and answered simply, "Perks of being the head of the department."

Looking at the basket still in her hand, he inquired, "Care to elaborate on the Teddy Bears Picnic? I'm familiar with both parts but I can't say I know what to expect when you combine the two."

Serena smiled in fond memory. "It's a song my granny sang to me when I was little." In a low sweet voice, with mischief in her eyes, she sang to him:

If you go down to the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today
You'd better go in disguise!

For ev'ry bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain,
Because today's the day the
Teddy Bears have their picnic.

"There's more of it, but that's all I remember. So, ... let's go down to the woods and see if there's a big surprise waiting, shall we?"

Visibly unsure of how to interpret the song, not to mention what exactly she had up her sleeve, Andrew fell in along side her as they started walking, "Well, it's safe to say you have a much better singing voice than I. That ending seems to indicate that this 'big surprise' you're referring to may not be of the good kind for the traveler. Should I be concerned?" His question was mostly in jest but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice as he asked.

"Only if you think Death by Chocolate is a serious threat," Serena laughed, as they took the turbolift back to the tram station. "I was thinking the woods in Tivoli Gardens, Deck ... 1552, maybe? I'm equally happy in the Arboretum, if you prefer a more polished setting. Of course, you might not see bears there," she said, very seriously.

Andrew shrugged, "Well, seeing as you planned all of this so far, I'll follow your lead. I've never actually spent time in the woods." As serious as her, he added, "Shouldn't let the mere possibility of a bear deter us from going should we?"

Looking back at her dress, Andrew noted his own attire and motioned to his uniform, "Is this appropriate for this little adventure? I could stop back at my quarters and change if you don't want to stare at a Starfleet uniform."

"Who says I'll be looking at the uniform?" Serena laughed.

They got on the tram and began the journey downward. "I think the woods on 1552 might be best for a novice woodsman," she continued to tease him as she set the picnic basket on a seat, slid in next to it and patted the small space left next to her. "And I don't think Teddy Bears are so very vicious. Of course, I'm not entirely sure, never having owned one."


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