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That's Not a Job Description

Posted on Wed 23rd Oct, 2019 @ 8:16pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

1,467 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: McCabe's Quarters, Deck 28
Timeline: MD 8, 1645

"Really?" Janetta asked. "You volunteered me to babysit a child I don't even know? Who doesn't know me, and likely doesn't want to?"

Anthony sighed. "I didn't think about it that way. Her husband is in Security, I think it is, and she's going on the field trip to Nāmaka, if she can be assured of a place her daughter will feel comfortable. She's kinda young, but Bella got along with her fine at the park yesterday."

"Oh, is that so? Bella got along fine with her, but I wasn't invited along to see if I got along with her?"

"Janster, what's this really about? You love children, you always have. You should have a houseful of your own, but all you have is Bella. And I know that's a handful, and also a great treasure. She's coming today, with her husband and bringing the baby ... Leilani, I think it is."

"How convenient for you," Janetta said. "And don't call me that. You know I hate it."

Sensing that he had mis-stepped somewhere, but not quite sure where or how, Tony sighed. "Okay, let's back up here. Where did I go wrong? I don't understand why you aren't excited about this chance to have a baby around for a few days. Bella's at school several hours, and you'll have her all to yourself."

Janetta shook her head. "If you don't get it, I don't know how to explain it to you."

The door chimed, and the computer announced, =^=Commander Collins-Keller and Lieutenant Keller. Leilani Keller.=^=

Glancing at his sister, Anthony said, "Allow entrance," just as Arabella came out of her bedroom.

"Is all the shouting ober?" she asked. "I want Lani to come play, Aunt Janetta. Please may she come?"

The two siblings looked at each other, and Anthony shrugged, as the other family entered.

"That's what we're going to find out, Bella. Maybe your friend won't like me," Janetta said.

"Hello?" Jasmine called out. "Anthony? The door opened." She and Adam came in with Lani between them grasping a thumb on each parent's hand. She was excited about seeing Arabella again and was pulling her parents along. As Lani saw Arabella, she released her parents and ran to play with the girl.

"Lani!" Bella said, obviously delighted. "Come see my Auntie!" She brought the younger child to Janetta and tugged on her clothes to get her to come down to their level. In her best manners, she said, "Aunt Jan, this is my new fren', Lani. And Lani, this is my Auntie. She'll be your Auntie, too!"

Anthony's sister sat down on the floor with the girls, pleased with Arabella's manners, and curious to meet the child who had just caused a commotion with her brother. No, she's darling, and she didn't cause a thing. That was all Anthony!

Lani babbled something unintelligible, but it was obvious she was happy to meet the young woman and happy to be with her friend.

"Come on in," Anthony said. "Well, you're already in, but welcome, anyway," he smiled, holding out his hand to the man. "Anthony McCabe. I can't believe I've worked for your wife all this time, and we've not met before. However, I was at your wedding long enough to see you married, before being called away by work."

"Then you missed the part where Jazz went into labor at the end of the vows and we had to emergency transport to the infirmary." Adam took the man's hand. "It's really good to meet the 'work husband' and his family." He grinned.

"And he reminds me of that whenever he can." Jasmine laughed.

"I have to stand with Adam on that. Having gone through it once, I can't imagine going through it in those circumstances," Tony said. "Kudos to you for living through it. Have a seat anywhere. What can I get you to drink?"

Bella spoke up for herself and Lani. "We'll have cherry lime stuff, dad."

"We'll serve our guests first, little Miss Arabella," her dad reminded. "And we'll ask if Lani can have cherry limeade before you volunteer her to try it."

His daughter nodded, only the slightest bit abashed. Looking at Lani's mom, she said, "I share my cherry limeade wif Lani? It's really good! You can have some, too."

"It's fine, but just a little. She isn't perfect with a cup yet." Jasmine nodded to the girl. "We've only been using a cup for a couple of months." She looked at her host. "I think ice water will be fine for me."

"Alrighty, then! Two cherry limeades, one water coming right up. Anyone else? Speak now, or forever be silent!" Tony grinned, replicating one cherry limeade and splitting it between two cups, and then a glass of ice water.

"Is there anything you'd like to know about me before possibly having me care for your daughter?" Janetta asked, taking the cups Tony handed her for the girls and waiting for them to sit down on the floor. Lani more or less plopped down, quite effectively, and Bella sat criss-cross and reached for her cup.

Tony handed a glass to Jasmine and then sat, waiting to hear how this was going to play out. He still wasn't sure what he'd done to get himself in trouble.

"Well, we've never met personally, but I have worked with Anthony for some time now and I see how happy and adjusted Bella is. I know Anthony trusts you with Bella, and its only for a few hours a day. Adam is right here if anything is needed." She smiled. "It's not going to be easy to leave her with anyone, but I trust that Anthony wouldn't have made the offer if he wasn't completely trusting of it."

Nice that someone trusts me! McCabe thought.

"Oh, well ... thank you. Bella is a happy child, and helpful, too, most of the time." Janetta glanced toward where the children had busily moved on to the tub of large colorful interlocking pieces. She watched Arabella hand a bright red one to Lani and heard her say, "Where do you think it should go?" She smiled and looked at her brother. "She sounds just like you."

Tony smiled back tentatively. "She's learned good things from both of us."

"Alright, then. Make sure I have all the possible contact information," Janetta said. "With Adam on the station, I don't need a medical release. The girls get along so nicely together, I'm sure everything will be fine. What is it you do, Adam? I don't think I caught that part."

"I'm an Intelligence Officer and help with Security on the station. I'll pick Lani up after my shift, and she'll come home each evening. If you don't have any issue with me bringing her to you and dropping her off when my shift starts at 0800 hours," he told her. "If she proves too much for you, I am available to come and get her. My brother is also available in an emergency, but his wife is only weeks away from her own child and we thought it might be too much for her. She's had some health issues."

"No, no, that's fine," Janetta assured him. "There's no reason to put more stress on a situation like that. I hope everything goes well for her. Anyway, I'm up early with Arabella every day. That's our routine, and I think routines are important. Now, Bella does go to a pre-school group a couple of days a week, for socialization skill building, and one class falls during this trip. Is it alright if Lani goes with her? It's a small class, and I don't think there would be a problem for just one day for a couple of hours. I can keep her with me, if you prefer, however."

"That will be fine. It will be good for her to get some socialization with others. I think sometimes that she's a little spoiled." Jasmine grimaced. "Being an only child makes it easier to spoil her."

Anthony listened to his sister talk and smiled at his boss. This was going to work out for everyone. He breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted both of them on this trip to the planet, both of them to feel the excitement of exploring something that was, if not exactly new, still partially unknown. He would love it, and he thought it would do the Commander some good, too.

"So then, I'll bring Lani to you on my way to my shift and pick her up after. If you have any issues or emergencies, you know how to get in touch with me or with Maia." Adam wanted to be sure everything was settled.

"Sounds like a plan," Janetta agreed.


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