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Walking It Off

Posted on Wed 28th Aug, 2019 @ 10:23pm by Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

1,051 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Promenade, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 9, 1245

On the Promenade, everything seemed busy and hectic during the lunch hour. It was hard to stay together and weave in and out of people.

"Is it always this crowded?" Kiara asked. But she knew that, with a station as big as this, and with people working round the clock, it was probable. "Let's go this way." She turned down a smaller passage.

There were still a lot of people walking around, but this area wasn’t bad. It was lined with various cafés and bistros, something that neither of them wanted right now. “We have already eaten,” Briggs teased.

"Yes, but there's less chance of being knocked off our feet here," she countered. She took another turn and then another. "I have no idea where we're going, but we'll find our way out eventually." She smiled at Dallas. "We'll consider this an adventure."

“And remember we can enjoy the scenery while we are out and about, so if you see something interesting, we'll stop.” Dallas said. He wasn’t in a hurry to do anything; they had time.

"I haven't forgotten," she smiled. They took several more turns going away from the restaurant area. She saw a little sign ahead that indicated they sold antiques and collectibles.

Curious, Kiara went over to the display window and looked at the small collection of jewelry and trinkets. "This looks promising," she said to Dallas. She didn't care so much if they sold replicas or actual antiques, as long as the item appealed to her. The shop was larger than she expected. It was long and narrow, with two small aisles around a central display, easily visible to the proprietor at the front.

"Is there anything I can help you find?" a short, balding man asked.

Kiara gave him a warm smile. "No, thank you. We're just looking." She went to the right and down the aisle, glancing here and there at the items on display.

Dallas followed closely behind her, but not so close as to crowd her. He wanted her not to feel rushed, but to enjoy her shopping. “There seem to be a lot of nice things here. Do you see anything that you would like to have?” Dallas asked thoughtfully.

She glanced at him, then back at the rows. "I'm not sure. I enjoy collecting wearable antiques." She picked up a delicate filigree brooch of a butterfly in gold with tiny green gems. She set it aside and kept looking. A short distance further, she found a matching hair clip. Deciding she could not pass them up, she went back to the brooch. "Perhaps these," she said. "There's something about butterflies. Did you know a group of monarch butterflies is called a kaleidoscope?"

Dallas shook his head, “No, I had no idea.” He looked over at the shopkeeper, “Ill take those, can you gift wrap them for me? They’re for my good friend here.”

The shopkeeper smiled with a nod.

"That's kind of you," Kiara said, "But you didn't have to do that." Even so, it was a thoughtful gesture, and she appreciated it.

Dallas smiled, “I know, but it’s my pleasure to do so. Consider it a Welcome to SB 109 gift.”

The Shopkeeper handed Dallas a PADD and Dallas put his thumbprint there for the purchase.

She put a hand on his arm. "Thank you."

She turned to the shopkeeper. "If you don't mind, I think I'll wear them now."

The shopkeeper smiled and handed her the two butterflies and pointed to a mirror on the wall. "You can use that."

Kiara first placed the brooch on her shirt, just over the top button. When she was sure it was centered properly, she finger-combed her hair back and used the other butterfly to hold her hair. "Yes, that will do nicely." She smiled at both men. "Thank you again."

Dallas smiled back, “You’re very welcome.” He turned to the shopkeeper, “Never mind the gift wrapping, we’ll take them as is.”

When they were back outside, she asked, "Shall we continue exploring, or return to Orchids & Jazz?"

"I'm ready to go back whenever you are, but if you want to keep looking around the Promenade we can do that too," Dallas said.

"No. I'm ready to go back." She waved her hand to indicate the pathway before them. "Lead the way."

Dallas chuckled, "You're the one that got us here, please." Dallas waved her on so she could lead the way. He had no idea where they were or how to get back to where they wanted to be.

She laughed and took his arm. "Very well. Let's see where we end up."

It took them a while to weave through the rows. Kiara would pause at each crossroad and listen, then move closer to the heavier traffic. She found a small shop with books and purchased one. "What do you enjoy?" she asked Dallas.

Dallas shrugged his shoulders, "I like a good bottle of Aldebaran Whiskey or Saurian Brandy if that's what you mean." Dallas chuckled for a moment and wondered if he needed to work on his humor.

She raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had any interests outside of work. She found a liquor shop and bought him a bottle of Saurian Brandy and arranged for it to be delivered to his quarters. "As a thank you," she said. "For helping a poor diplomat find her way around."

Dallas smiled, "Thank you for the gift, but you didn't have to. I think you would have been just fine without my giving you a tour of anything. I find you very independent." Dallas had a good feeling about Kiara, from when he first met her. She was highly intelligent and very independent, two of the qualities that he had found in his wife when they first met.

"I hope that's a good thing," she replied. She wasn't so sure. "I wanted to give you something in return. Besides, you may find you need it after spending a day with me." She smiled. "Now, shall we go back to Orchids & Jazz?"

Dallas nodded, "Yeah, I think I have room for that dessert now. What about you?"


"Good." Dallas said and he began to guide the two of them back towards Orchids & Jazz.


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