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Hot Potato

Posted on Wed 28th Aug, 2019 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Varuna Spa
Timeline: MD 3 1350 hours

Loren and Alora had just finished the amazing mud bath. Their skin felt refreshed with residual tingling. Loren was handed a towel when she was ready to get out. She covered herself as she carefully climbed out of the mud bath. She turned to Alora who still appeared to be enjoying the mud bath. “We should shower this mud off and go to that hot rock massage” she suggested.

Alora laughed, "We keep this up and they're going to have to carry me out of here in a bucket." She said taking the towel and heading to the shower, "That was quite tingly."

Once Loren was behind the beautifully decorated shower partition, she took off her towel and began to shower off the mud. “I just love a real water shower. It feels so much better than a sonic shower. Wouldn’t you agree? I’m going to make sure my quarters gets the upgraded shower soon.”
Loren smiled over the partition.

Alora called over from another shower, "Just make sure to put the request in early, we're coordinating with civilian repair teams on some of the station but most of it is still my department and routine stuff can get booked pretty quick. I have a sonic still, keep meaning to upgrade but I spent so long just running at warp when I first got here, a shower with running water seemed unneeded." She laughed enjoying the current spray, "Though not going to lie part of it was how I could clean myself and my uniform in one go, don't judge me..." She quipped. "It was efficient. Programmed it myself."

“Well, that’s a new one ...” Loren said. “ Ready for that massage?” Loren asked as she began to head for the Hot Rock Massage.

"Sounds good to me but better call it a night there for here, else ways someones carrying me home in a bucket..." She joked as she tightened the belt on the very soft robe she put on after getting out of the shower, feeling very relaxed.

Loren chuckled, "Maybe I can throw in a nice tip and they can use the transporter to get your remains back to your quarters."

"It'd be worth it..." Alora said after a moment of consideration as she and her new friend headed down to the Hot Rocks area.

Loren was given a towel in exchange for her robe and wrapped herself tightly in it before walking over to the bed. The massage therapist motioned to the bed and Loren climbed aboard and moved to get comfortable before laying down on her tummy.

“I’m going to reposition your towel now.” She said.

Loren nodded and the therapist pulled the towel down to cover Loren’s bum. The therapist began with some light oils and began rubbing the oils into Loren’s skin.

Alora was nearby enjoying the attention and giving serious thought to paying extra for them to carry her home in a bucket. "I think I've my new favorite place, she told her new friend as she laid like a content lump.

The therapist began to use the hottish rocks on Loren. at first, the rocks seemed a bit too hot, but after a moment, either the rocks cooled off or she got accustomed to how they felt. Either way, she really began to enjoy the message. "," she murmured.

"Waiter two buckets please..." Alora joked.

Loren laughed, "I'm sure you will be just fine."

"Now if this place came with a date but I am pretty sure that's too much to ask..." Alora quipped.

“Oh come on, you’re attractive and should have guys fighting over you,” Loren said as the therapist wrapped up her session with Loren. She sat up on the table with the towel wrapped around her. “When was the last time you went on a date?”

Alora adjusted her own towel as she prepared to head for the changing room and thought, "Oh months ago, kept meaning too but being busy, time kept slipping away..." She shrugged.

“You have to make time for yourself. Life is not all about work, it’s about mixing work and fun together, you have to be able to unwind by doing things you enjoy. Sometimes meeting new people and falling in love.” Loren said as she got dressed.

"Hey I'm working on it, I came here didn't I? and I got a new friend. I'll get around to the rest eventually..." She said though was uncertain about that. Getting into a relationship seemed to be harder for her than making friends. She finished getting dressed and waited outside the rooms.

"Were going to have to get you and into the crowd and mingle, maybe a night out for drinks," Loren said as she came out dressed.

"You might have to show me how it's been a while..." She joked, thinking about it. She sometimes ate out but hadn't really burned a streak in some time. "You always so..." She paused to think about it, "Ready for havoc?" She asked curiously as they headed out.

"They won't know what hit them." Loren smiled back. The two ladies headed out, they had some planning to do.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 29th Aug, 2019 @ 12:13am

An amazing spa friendship springs up! I foresee trouble for some who cross these two in the future. LOL