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To Seek Out New Life

Posted on Fri 30th Aug, 2019 @ 3:13pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,085 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Astrometrics Lab, Deck 82
Timeline: MD 6, 945

McCabe was frowning at the most recent scans of the planet, Nāmaka. It was still beautiful, but it was also frustrating. He wanted to see into or below the swirling masses of gas, but there was no way short of being closer or being in them, and he hadn't been able to pull that off yet. What he wouldn't give to check out one of the Arrows and just go!

He heard hesitant steps behind him and turned around to see a pretty woman in a Commander's uniform walking toward him. "Can I help you, Ma'am?" he asked.

"Probably," she smiled, continuing to approach, but with firmer steps. "I'm Commander Riko McCord of USS Samurai. We're docked in your bay undergoing a complete make-over after a run-in with some pirates. Have been for several months, actually," she shrugged. "I heard a rumor your department was studying that planet," she nodded toward the Astrometrics screen.

"Hoping to, anyway. Commander Collins-Keller is planning to get permission from Captain Suzuki for us to at least do a fly-by. We've done all we can with the base sensors." He looked up at the swirly blue and purple planet. "I think there's more there."

"Is your the commander available right now?" Riko asked.

Anthony's eyes looked back at her curiously. "Probably. What's this about?"

"I'd rather just go through it once. Should we go there or ask her to join us here?"

In her office, Jasmine was again looking over the possible ways to convince Command to allow a fly by of the gas giant. She knew it would be time for a break but wanted to check on the lab and see how McCabe was coming with his measurements et al. As she walked into the lab she asked out loud, "Anthony, what if we could take samples of the ..." She stopped when she saw the commander, "Oh, hello." She looked at the woman. "I'm Lieutenant Commander Collins," she introduced herself.

"Commander Riko McCord, Chief Science Officer on Samurai, currently sitting in repair docks some distance below us," the visitor said with a grin. "It's nice to meet you. I hear you're interested in exploring the planet out there," she waved in the general direction of the view on the screen. "So are we. Perhaps it's something we could do together. We have transportation, and you're welcome to come along for a joint task force. Or something like that. I'm not sure science gets a task force," she laughed softly.

McCabe glanced at his commanding officer with a pleading look, but didn't say anything. One thing he'd learned in his many years as an Ensign was when to keep quiet.

Barely able to contain her amusement with her Science Officer and almost as excited as he seemed, Jasmine couldn't help but jump at the offer. "I would love to coordinate an investigation with your team." She turned to McCabe, "Lieutenant, would you be interested in joining me with this joint endeavor?"

The lieutenant cleared his throat, looking down at his PADD. "Yes, Ma'am, I think I could clear some time on my schedule for a little look-see."

"Excellent!" exclaimed McCord. "What we're going to use is the Captain's Yacht from USS Samurai. We thought about taking an Arrow, because the sleeping facilities are better, but we need to test some upgrades to the yacht, so ...." She shrugged.

"I'm sure the yacht will be fine," McCabe said, then immediately backtracked. "Actually, I've never been on one, so I can't say for sure."

"I'm sure we'll be comfortable." Jasmine nodded. "Is your team looking for something in particular from the planet?" she asked the commander.

McCord shrugged, "Not really. We're curious, of course, and I guessed you might be, as well. It's beautiful, and it's sitting there, so the scientist in me wants to take a closer look. I thought it would have been thoroughly explored, but when I pulled up the database information, I found it hasn't." Her eyes sparkled with interest. "We could be the very ones who find out something interesting!"

Laughing, she said, "Sorry, I tend to get carried away with science possibilities. I'm almost positive I'm not going to discover any new creatures, but I have to look, don't I? And I can take a couple of days in the coming week to go. So can Commander Perry. It just seems ... fortuitous." Privately, she thought Elvis would approve. The song, Blue Suede Shoes popped into her mind, and she took that as proof.

"Exactly," Anthony responded to her excitement with a laugh. "Someone has to look, and why not us? In fact, I'll go a step further. Who better than us? You have solved our transportation problem nicely, so," he turned to his boss, "you're coming, too, aren't you, Ma'am?"

"Well, it is my intention to join you," she gave a small sigh, "but two days with strangers, and without Oscar..." She found herself worrying about her phobias and making excuses. "I'd have to make sure Leilani is being cared for. I've never been away from her overnight."

"She's getting along well with Bella, isn't she?" McCabe asked. "I'm sure my sister will be happy to watch Leilani, as well, wherever you prefer. Arabella is flexible, and he likes your daughter. You think about it. Why can't Oscar come with us, too?"

"Who is Oscar?" Riko inserted into the discussion.

"It would only be while Adam is on duty, Tegan is old enough but, I would want someone more mature than Tegan to keep her in Adam's absence." Jasmine smiled. "Are you sure your sister won't mind?" she asked.

"She'll love it! It will be a pleasure for her, a break in routine, and she loves children. Trust me, it'll work out great!" Anthony said, feeling as if this might really happen.

She looked at Riko and smiled. "Oscar is my service dog." She paused a moment. "Before you invite me along, you should know that I have chronic phobias. I deal with crowds poorly and strangers as well. Oscar keeps me focused and prevents panic attacks."

Riko shrugged. "Whatever you need, whenever you need it. There won't be any crowds aboard the yacht. The four of us, the pilot, and ... Oscar! Anything the other three of us need to do, we'll do it."

"Thank you." She smiled at Riko and turned to McCabe. "As long as your sister doesn't mind and Adam has no argument, I will be joining our little expedition."


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