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Prototype Part II

Posted on Fri 30th Aug, 2019 @ 2:43pm by Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho & Lieutenant Elliot Jericho
Edited on on Sun 10th May, 2020 @ 6:05pm

1,273 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Multiple
Timeline: Prototype Mission Day 3

Maggie opened her eyes slowly and smiled to see that she was still in the arms of her husband. Last night's lovemaking had been as glorious as any other night with Elliot and waking in his arms was just as fulfilling. Noting that the time to rendezvous with the Harbinger was drawing near, Maggie slid out of bed to prepare herself.

Silently moving into the back of the room, she replicated her version of a slave costume. She wasn't about to wear some catsuit or some fur-lined bikini that would expose everything. she needed something that allowed for hiding a weapon yet something that said, 'slave'. She found herself looking over plan after plan before she made her mind and replicated what she was looking for. Moments later, Maggie was dressed in a silk tunic opened at the sides and stitched together at her waist by a small leather strap. If she moved the right way, everything would be visible. She completed the outfit with a pair of lace-up sandals and a silver belt with matching bracelets. The bracelets could be attached to the belt in either the front or back as a means of control or punishment. It would be modest enough for her to stomach yet, if necessary, Elliot would have complete dominance over her. A small pocket sewn into the fabric that fell between her breasts would hold the small phaser and it would look like the fabric was tacked down to expose her cleavage.

“Well hello there sexy,” Elliot said from the bed where he was laying down and his head was propped up by his elbow. “That’s not a bad outfit, it not the traditional crap you normally see, but it’s just right for our purpose. Where are you hiding the essentials?”

Maggie pointed to the fabric at her cleavage. "Right here." She shook her head but smiled. "You know I hate this right?" She handed him a small key. The key had a tiny remote. "Red button locks them magnetically, green button releases. The key locks them in place. She was indicating to her bracelets. "I prefer to keep my hands in front, but if you need to show force, the hands in the back make things more vulnerable. She demonstrated by lightly holding her hands behind her back.

"I know you don't like doing this and playing dress up like a sex slave, but we are not doing this for us, we are doing it for Starfleet. We have lots of leave saved up so once this is over we can take a few weeks and go to Risa and just relax if you want." Elliot began to get dressed... again. "Oh, where are you hiding your blade?" Elliot asked. He wanted to make sure that she ample protection just in case they were separated.

"No room for that. I may have to figure something out... Maybe in the sandals. I can hide it in the sole of the shoe. And I have an extra key in my left bracelet."

"How about behind the belt, maybe a thin blade of some type?" Elliot asked as he finished getting dressed.

"It would be easier to get to in a hurry." She nodded. "I'll see what I can come up with." She moved aside a bit and began brushing her hair. "You think a long braid? I could stash a small blade in there as well." She was only partly joking. She knew this was a serious matter and they could both be killed if they were found out.

Elliot nodded to her, “That is not a bad idea, but it wouldn’t take much for someone to find it. Perhaps some type of badass hairpin that has a blade in it as a last-ditch effort.”

As the pair were speaking, a message came across the comm. "This is the Merchant Ship Harbinger. Prepare for docking instructions."

=A=This is the Federation runabout, Pacifica awaiting your instructions.=A= Elliot replied over the comms channel.

Meghan showed her husband a decorative hair comb, then pulled a blade from the handle. Wrapping her hair into a braided bun at the back of her head, she held it in place with the new weapon. She smiled cheekily at him as he tried to listen to the docking instructions.

"Okay, here we go," Elliot said as they prepared to dock with the freighter. "Another minute or two and we will be aboard."

The runabout came alongside the freighter and docked. “Let’s go.” Elliot said to his wife.

Meghan took a deep breath and handed the key to her 'bracelets' to her husband. She then held her hands in front of her. "Time to get into character."

Elliot nodded, "Okay, and I put the runabout on autopilot." Elliot followed Meghan off the runabout and onto the freighter.

Once aboard the freighter, Meghan made sure to cast her eyes down and stand one step behind Elliot and to his right, the common position for a submissive or servant. This was going to be a long 4 days for her.

While they were still alone, Elliot spun around and gently grasped Meghan’s face and he kissed her tenderly. “That’s just in case I don’t get to do that soon.” He turned back around and began leading her down the corridor.

A man stood in front of them blocking the corridor. “Your quarters are behind me on the right side 4 doors
down. We will be there in 92 hours.” The man turned around and went back to the bridge.

"Gonna be a long 4 days, babe." Meghan whispered. "At least we'll be locked in." She made sure her voice couldn't be heard by anyone other than Elliot.

Elliot took his wife's hand and lead her to the room where they would stay for the next 15 hours. "It will be okay." He assured her.

"I know." She nodded. "But it's my right to worry. We're going someplace quite undesirable and trying to steal back something that's been stolen by someone crafty enough and evil enough to do it."

"I bet they are not expecting for someone to steal it back from them, especially not this soon." Elliot said and then hugged his wife, "I love you and will do everything in my power to bring us both back alive, but I want you to know that if it ever came down to it, I would die for you."

"Don't. Please." She pushed away from him and wrapped her arms around herself in a hug. "I don't want you to die for me. That's my biggest fear." She looked at him and remembered the news she had wanted to tell him. There was no way she could tell him now, not until this was over. "Promise me you won't die trying to save me." She shook her head. "I'm hoping it won't come down to it, but I need your word." She moved back into his arms unable to bear the thought of losing him.

"I promise." he lied as he held her tight, surely she wouldn't believe him at all, but what could he say. He knew in every fiber of his being that he would keep her safe until his last breath.

She knew he was lying the moment he held her tight. He could no more not protect her than she could walk away from him. Even now, she'd step in front of a bullet to save him. The pair just stood in each other's embrace for a while. Why couldn't Maggie shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen?


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 30th Aug, 2019 @ 4:11pm

Oooh, nice set up! A must-watch episode coming up, I think. Nicely done tension. Thank you!