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Wounded hearts

Posted on Thu 8th Aug, 2019 @ 3:00am by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Dr. s'Siedhris home
Timeline: MD-05: 1645

Walking into the main section of the house Makila shivered at the chill in the air. It was almost as if Khellian was trying to entice winter to come. The temperature was much too low for anyone but an Andorian to be comfortable. It was downright unhealthy for a Romulan and could actually make him sick. "Elements papa, it's cold in here. Are you ill?"

"No" Khellian answered shortly, staring out the window at his garden. His mind was quite firmly rooted and wallowing in a spiral of self pity that had begun when Brooklyn left. The world seemed devoid of color, and only his daughter seemed to be a bright spot in what was now a dull world. "I like it this way."

Makila winced, seeing her face clearly in his mind, and the note which still rested on his bedside table. She should burn that cursed thing, but he would have none of it. He'd been in love with her, contemplating asking her what her thoughts on children and a future had been and her leaving had shattered him in a way he'd never truly been hurt before. "You mustn't let her destroy your ability to enjoy your life papa."

"Auethn" he said with a slightly mocking little bow.

"Stop that father, it doesn't suit you."

"And what does suit me Makila? Just carrying on like nothing happened? Is that what I am supposed to do? I've run my entire life away from any entanglements like that for exactly that reason, and I shouldn't have allowed it to happen at all. But I let her in. I let myself fall and now, now I am wounded by heis'he and not able to find myself again! Where has my center gone? Now that I am adrift just..." His voice raised and raised until he was almost shouting at her.


Khellian was so taken aback at her tone and took a breath for seemingly the first time since his diatribe began.

"She hurt you. I understand that, and I sympathize." Truly she more than sympathized but her frustration with her fathers withdrawl had been reaching a breaking point, and it was that that pushed her over the edge. Placing her hands on her hips she glared at him, inadvertently wrinkling the sunny yellow dress with turquoise edging that she was wearing. "The Romulan heart feels very deeply. She is the first you've loved and the first you've lost since you left Romulus. That fact alone however does not mean that you get to wallow in self pity. You do not get to hide in your quarters like a hfehan. You're better than that and we both know it. Hiding, and moping about are a sign of cowardice that I am shocked to see from you! If you want a mate, go out and find one. There are plenty of eligible females on this station. You will not be forgetting how to live whilst I am here with you! I know that the father that raised me is not too much of a coward to go out and pursue what he truly wants!"

Makila turned the temperature back up to normal levels, and shivered again. Idiot The warmth would make him feel better, and so would the food she'd left on the table for him. "Now go eat, stop trying to freeze yourself to death, and go outside in the garden. It's going to die without care, and I won't replant your medicinals because you're too blind to see that they too need your attention." With that last shot, she glared defiantly at him, tossed her curls over her shoulder and stomped out of the house.


Auethn: Advise me
heis'he "love
vaed'rae "You will listen to me!"
hfehan: bond-servant
kllhe'mnhe: Expletive


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 8th Aug, 2019 @ 10:39pm

Right on, Makila! You go, girl!

By on Sat 10th Aug, 2019 @ 1:02am

Oh, good show! We all need to be called to account, from time to time, when we are wallowing. Brave daughter!