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Lady of Interest

Posted on Sat 10th Aug, 2019 @ 1:51am by

832 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: SB109, Security Cells
Timeline: MD 4 0830

Ischemia, dressed professionally in a black tunic dress with a cowl neck and a bright red belt cinching the waist, walked into the Security Section which housed the Brig for Starfleet personnel gone astray, with civilian cells across the corridor from the Brig. It made sense, she supposed. The majority of the Brig occupants committed minor infractions compared to the possible criminal inhabitants on the civilian side. She pondered that difference, and its causes, as she waited at the station for her security clearance to allow entrance.

"Which prisoner are you visiting?" a bored warrant officer asked.

"Zelda Alegari. I'm her legal counsel," Ischemia answered. It was different not to be recognized instantly and feel the usual ... awe she inspired in diplomats and other negotiators. She allowed a slight smile to touch her deep carmine lips, savoring the anonymity.

The woman at the desk scrolled down her computer screen until the credentials clicked it to a stop. "Oh, yes, here you are, and there she is." She handed Ischemia a security badge. "Put this on your shoulder, and don't take it off. It'll stick by itself, and only your fingers can remove it. A little safety feature we like to include for feisty clients. And yours could be one of those. Best of luck." She unlocked the door and directed Ischemia through.

"The badge will give you directions to her cell. Your clearance allows you to enter the cell, have it sealed for privacy, and talk to her alone. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can request an interview room from the officer on that level." She turned back to her computer, cleared the screen and called out, "Next!"

The badge did indeed vocalize directions, which the lawyer followed exactly, her red heels clicking against the surface of the flooring. A small turbolift whisked her down two levels and emptied onto a cold, steel gray corridor, which she was instructed to take to the right. Within 30 meters, she came to another desk, and a man, this time a Petty Officer, looked up. "You're for Alegari?" he asked.

"Miss Alegari, yes," Ischemia said. "I will interview her in her cell, and you will make sure it is in privacy mode, will you not?" Her tone of voice left no doubt that she expected he would follow her directions to the letter.

The man appraised her with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, Ma'am," he agreed. "I will."

Ischemia nodded, "Then let us proceed."

Shortly, she was inside the correct cell, and the walls were opaqued. "Miss Alegari, I presume?" she said to the woman looking at her intently from the side of the bed.

"No, Morrigan Endrade. Zelda is ... unavailable right now," the woman answered, tossing her long hair back. "They took my hair bands and I can't braid my hair. Do you suppose you can get one back for me?"

"We'll see," the lawyer replied, making no promises. It felt like a test of how she might be manipulated, and Ischemia didn't like starting out that way, so she decided to be firm and up front.

"Miss Endrade, then. I'm Ischemia Addams, and I've been asked by Lieutenant Ildaron to consult with you to see whether I can help you in your legal difficulties."

"Yes, he told me you were coming to see me. He seems to feel that you are my best option, but I'm not so sure. It's a difficult case, and I don't know if anyone can really help me ... or even wants to do so," Morrigan shrugged. "It's nothing new to me to be on our own."

"Possibly not. There remains a question on both sides, at the moment. Can I help you? Possibly. Am I will to do so? Possibly. Will you allow me to help? That I can't decide for you."

She set her legal tablet on the table and pulled out a chair to be seated. "You are fine on the bed, if you wish to stay there, or take the other chair, whichever suits you. I will be recording our interview. If it turns out I do not take your case, I will destroy the recording. If I do, it will become the foundation of the defense we put together." She opened the tablet and set it to record the discussion, including the visual, in holographic format.

"We?" asked Morrigan. "I thought you were the lawyer."

Addams smiled, "Yes, but it will be a joint effort. I cannot proceed without all the information you have, and you must depend on me to use that information in your best interests. Thus, we is correct."

The woman observed her a moment, as if looking for sincerity, or perhaps for hope. After a moment, something in her relaxed the very smallest amount. "Very well, proceed. I wasn't all that impressed with the two lawyers who were in here yesterday. I truly hope you will be different."

"I'm an Addams, of the New York Addamses," Ischemia said. "We're always different."


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