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A Warrior's Welcome, Part 2

Posted on Wed 21st Aug, 2019 @ 3:54pm by 2nd Lieutenant Carlos Vasquez & Krell House of Mer'uk
Edited on on Sat 21st Sep, 2019 @ 12:05am

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Half a Light Year From SB 109
Timeline: MD 6, 1355

Previously, at the site of the Klingon ships battling ...

"Hinds, Aardvark Actual," the contralto voice of the station's Senior Aerospace Officer came over the coms. "You are cleared for weapons free. Hey, Ant!"

And now ...

“Captain, we’re being boarded!” the science officer on Bej’joq yelled out as she checked the sensors. At that instant, a boarding party materialized on the Bridge. Krell pulled two disruptors from his belt and started firing at the newcomers. He hit two, vaporizing them instantly. The bridge crew was able to dispatch several before Krell killed two more.

Krell yelled out as he killed the last. “Concentrate fire on the dorsal section of the Buruk, I want an opening in their shields so I can get in. Have a boarding party ready. Fire!”

The Vor’cha class battlecruiser began to devastate that part of the shields causing a hole to form. “There is a hole forming, port side!”

“Jol yIchu,’” Krell yelled out as he grasped his mek'leths, one in each hand. In an amber shimmering light, he was gone.

On the bridge of the Buruk, Krell's boarding party was in a fierce battle with the bridge crew. Krell was like an incredible killing force, hacking and chopping his way through his enemies. The last enemy standing, about 5 meters away leveled a disruptor at Krell, but it was too late. Krell’s arm was outstretched towards the warrior, his hand empty. The mek'leth that was once in his hand now protruded out of the enemy's skull. The warrior stood there, blood running down his face from where the weapon entered his head. His eyes rolled back into his head and he fell back like a stiff board, hitting the floor with a thud. Once the battle was complete, a bloody and worn out Krell lifted his arms above his head and bellowed loudly.

“Secure the door to the bridge!” Krell jumped into the gunner's seat and began to target the Koraga. The Buruk was heavily damaged, but she had some fight left in her. “Evasive maneuvers!” Krell yelled out as he pommeled the Koraga, the Bej’Joq following suit. The Buruk maneuvered quickly around trying to avoid getting hit. The Koraga didn’t last long after that, as both ships hit it at once, depleting its shields quickly. it exploded in a shower of debris and sparks.

"Local Space, Hind Two. Weapons free. We copy," Carlos replied

"Looks like whoever is fighting this battle has two of the attack vessels in hand, so let's hit that third one with everything we have," Brandt said to his wingman ... though it was odds up who was the leader and who the wingman most of the time.

"Yeah, let's light up this fireworks show," Carlos agreed.

They both dived toward the ship, splitting apart to come at her from two directions. Brandt, for one, really hoped the rest of the squadron would be there shortly.

Carlos broke left and began a pass, coming from under the attacking K'Vort-class ship. Like the other two attackers, it was a small Bird-of-Prey with about 36 crew. We're mosquitoes attacking greyhounds, who are attacking a puma Carlos thought. He aimed for the disruptor cannons and photon torpedo banks and fired. Lightning crawling over the ship's hull told him he'd hit true.

The Hegh'ta, still capable of dealing damage, turned its guns on the Buruk. The Buruk wouldn't stand much fire at all, perhaps one volley, but that was a big maybe. Why she did, only the captain of the Hegh'ta knew. Perhaps it was so that there were no prisoners to talk, or perhaps they knew Krell was aboard, or it was an easy target they wanted those guns silenced. The Hegh'ta fired a heavy volley at the Buruk and the Buruk was a lost cause; she started to break up. =^=HIjol DaH!=^= Krell ordered over his com as the Buruk came apart in pieces.

Krell and his team materialized back on the bridge of the Bej’Joq.

"Hind One--What the hell? Now it's firing on its own compadre? None of this makes any sense, brah."

His first shot had been lucky, Carlos realized. The K'Vort's shields were still plenty strong, and his other shots had skittered off the shields like skipping stones across a pond. He'd only be able to make a dent if he punched through at one location and kept pounding. The ship was not making that easy, though; it was very maneuverable. It weaved and dived through space, nimble as a Chinese dancer. It might not be able to attack him where he was, but it was doing its best to shake him off.

No way, brah. This little mosquito in your fur is here to stay, Carlos thought to it.

Carlos chewed on his lip. He needed this ship dead in space. He could stick to the K'vort like a burr and just use up his fuel to no good purpose. If she were dead in space, her weapons would be off-line. On the other hand, he already had a weak spot over the port disruptor. He banked and rolled, swooping under and behind the larger craft again. Lightning still arced over the K'Vort's hull in that spot. If this part of the shielding went, the surrounding shields would soon buckle. Carlos fired another volley and then another.

The Bej’ joq had to drop its shields in the midst of combat to use its transporter and let Krell and his team off of the Buruk before it exploded. The Captain of the Hegh’ta knew this and timed it just right. Once the shields of the Bej’joq were down for only that moment, the Hegh’ta fired disruptors. Explosions erupted all along the top side of the Bej’joq. “Weapons, propulsion and cloak are down. Switching auxiliary power to the shield,” the weapons officer said.

In his cockpit, Carlos uttered something vile in Spanish and redoubled his efforts to take out the port disruptor. Finally, he got through with a well-placed shot. It went up in flames that swiftly vanished, leaving a pock-marked surface and gaping hole where the port disruptors had been.

"Hey, lucky shot there, buddy!" Brandt congratulated as he came down behind the Bird of Prey. There was no way he was going to be able to bring down the shields enough to do much damage, but maybe he could help distract the warship until more help arrived ... or until the Ambassador's ship either got away or fired on the last attacker as well. He still had no idea why Klingon ships would be firing on their own ambassador!

"What I wouldn't give for a bomber with a heavy load right about now," Darrell muttered. Nevertheless, he held the interceptor on course until the computer gave him the lock-on tone and then fired a stitching course across the back of the Bird of Prey, immediately afterward soaring up in a sharp arc.

The Klingon sent some fire his way, but it only grazed his left shields and then he was out of harm's way. "Yee-ha!" he laughed. "Who wouldn't want to do this for a living? Ready to go again, Hind Two?" he asked his partner.

"Ready, Hind One. Let's take out the garbage," Carlos replied.

The bird of prey fired a disruptor on the cruiser, once more weakening the shields.
“Enough is enough!” Krell yelled out.

“Weapons!” Krell barked.

“None, sir!” The Weapons Officer reported.

“Propulsion?” he asked.

“We are now capable of impulse speeds, Captain.”

“Today is a good day to die!” Krell yelled out. “Prepare for ramming speed! Full impulse now!”

In his interceptor, Carlos shook his head as he watched what el embajador loco was doing now. "Hind One, Hind Two--I think we're in the way. Giving the Bej'joq center stage. I guess we'd better stay around to pick up the pieces." He arrowed his interceptor out from between the two larger vessels.

The Bej'joq's helmsman knew exactly where they were headed. The Bej’joq closed quickly on the unsuspecting bird of prey and they didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. The Bej’joq used its port nacelle as a torpedo. Part of the port wing and the nacelle of the Bej’joq hit the Hegh'ta, wiping out the shields of both Klingon vessels. Sparks and small fires briefly erupted from the space where the nacelle had been only moments ago.

Krell and his bridge crew were thrown around from the impact of the two ships. The Bej’joq sustained heavy damage to the port wing, however, the Hegh'ta came apart and exploded into showering sparks that dissipated into the darkness of space.

The Bej’joq spun slowly and appeared to be off kilter. The lights flickered and then went out. Red emergency lighting kicked in as the ship began to fill with smoke.


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