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Paint & Love

Posted on Sat 26th Jan, 2013 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Jessica Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

1,643 words; about a 8 minute read

Location: Protector
Timeline: Current

Jessie peeked at her mom asleep on the couch and then turned to Tallus with a slightly suspicious look "You sure momma is OK?"

"She is just fine. She is just stressed." Tallus said nodding.

Nodding Jessie said "She hurt herself trying to protect Uncle Brian."

"Yes, and I am helping her past that." Tallus said.

Looking at him she expanded her senses to make sure he was telling the truth as she asked "You wont hurt her more?"

"I do not hurt her child." Tallus said opening his mind slightly. Children were a sacred thing. They were innocent. They were one of the few Tallus would actually let in.

Feeling the truth she relaxed and looked round in curiosity.

"I have nothing hidden to find. I assure you." Tallus said.

Cara stretched on the couch half aware of voices talking but too relaxed to open her eyes right now.

Giggling Jessie said "Momma doesn't like waking up ..."

"As I can see." Tallus said smiling.

Cracking an eye open to the sound of Jessie's giggling Cara looked at them both "Hey ... how long did I nap?"

"Not long. But you needed it." Tallus said nodding.

Jessie nodded "You missed school getting out but Uncle Tallus came and got me and brought me back."

Cara nodded and slowly sat up "I feel calmer ... like there is an extra shield between me and things at the moment."

"That is because there is." Tallus said. "You carry too much for someone your age."

"Thank you." She could feel Tallus in the shielding "You get used to carrying it after a while."

"It is absolutely no problem for me. Have no fear." Tallus said smiling.

She gave him a grateful look and smiled "It feels like someone lifted two 10 pound backpacks off of my head."

"I will do my best to constantly shield you. Adanyxia is not going to like this." Tallus said with a laugh.

Cara laughed "Understatement Tal."

"Tal?" Tallus said with a raised eyebrow.

She blushed "Sorry I tend to give nick names ... like Devyn ... Is Dev to me."

"Ahh, indeed. Perhaps call me Swift. That was my nickname in the academy." Tallus said smiling.

She smiled back "Swift it is ... You run fast?"

Tallus laughed. A rare thing for him. "No, I am the quickest trigger finger of the Academy. Even to this day almost 100 years later."

"Wow ... Might have to test that some time." She laughed softly.

"And how would we test that?" Tallus asked smiling.

"A game of paintball on the holodeck? Kind of the adult version of hide and seek."

"Paintball? You are risking quite a bit on that little gesture. My accuracy is unparalleled." Tallus said standing straighter.

Cara grinned "I'm not that shabby myself ... besides it could be nice to have some fun ... say looser buys winner dinner?"

"Oh, you got yourself a bet." Tallus said grinning. "Marine Holodeck. 10 minutes."

Cara almost bounced on her feet "10 minutes ... Can Jessie stay here?"

"Of course." Tallus said nodding. "Just don't mess in my room." Tallus said looking at Jessie.

Jessie nodded "Yes sir. May I watch a movie ... and am I allowed to use the replicator?"

"Replicator, yes. Movie, I am afraid that I do not know what that is." Tallus said with a raised eyebrow.

"Like a story told in pictures and words."

"I am afraid that I do not have one of those." Tallus said.

Jessie nodded "That's OK ... I have a couple of books I can read."

"Indeed. Stay careful." Tallus said heading out the door. He had a competition to prepare for.

Having got changed quickly Cara was waiting for Tallus at the door to the holodeck her favorite rifle in hand already set for paintball rounds.

'Program is ready. Enter at will."

Nodding Cara asked "Rules of engagement?"

"Anything goes." Tallus said armed with his Marine Rifle in hand.

Grinning she took off in the opposite direction from the door "See ya ..."

Tallus grinned and took off after her. Carefully avoiding the main road while keeping her trail in sight.

Leading him along leaving a deliberate trail for a bit she then smiled mischievously and back tracked before jumping onto a rocky outcrop and taking her shoes off so that the trail would change if one was left. It also decreased the noise she made. Finding an out cropping she dropped down onto a ledge and walked along it behind the waterfall hoping it would mask her for a little while so that she could work out a plan.

Tallus knew that she was leaving a deliberate trail. But he still followed it wanting her to think that he was oblivious. He could hear a nearby waterfall and headed towards it looking for anything out of place. He saw a small ledge that Cara could easily access given her size. He saw a glimpse of teal in the waterfall. It was a brilliant place to hide and a non-Vulcan wouldn't have noticed it.

Hiding behind the brush so that he could blend, Tallus waited. He was going to let Cara make the next move.

Knowing her clothes stood out on the landscape Cara looked around finding some mud that was dark enough for camouflage and rolling in it before checking for other exits but all she found was a crack that would leave her exposed if Tallus was around.

Not having much choice she left everything but her rifle behind and staying as small as possible started to climb it.

Tallus caught a glimpse of Cara. His son Meriour would love this. The Hirogen always loved a good hunt. Tallus fired off a single projectile 5 cm to the right of Cara just to startle her.

Seeing the projectile impact Cara wedged herself more securely and got out her rifle as she calculated the distance and looked for Tallus. Seeing him she gave a nod then scampered up the crack and rolled over the top disappearing from view even as she wondered at the fact neither of them had taken advantage of the opportunity.

Tallus knew that Cara had seen him and he wondered why she hadn't fired. It did not matter. She would regret it later. Tallus slowly moved backward. He decided to flank her. =A=Swift to Cara. One hit and you lose. The same for me. Which means that whoever is hit buys dinner.=A=

=a=Cara to swift ... Terms agreed.=A= she was busy trying to find a spot to snipe him from, she wasn't going to make his win easy for him.

Tallus knew that he would win but it was still nice to have some fun. And who knows, she could very well get a lucky shot. Tallus slowly scaled the wall making sure not to expose himself. Once he made it to the top he hid behind some boulders. He took some paint grenades from his belt and tossed them in the direction he thought Cara would be.

Cara ducked down as she heard the sound of a grenade being thrown and going off somewhere close to her. Checking herself over she looked relieved to see no paint then burst out laughing as a brightly painted bird waddled into the clearing. "Nice shot swift ... The bird may never recover ..." She teased Tallus.

Sneaking towards the boulder it had come from she stopped with a laugh when she got tagged by a shot from behind. "Damn I always forget to watch for that."

"And Swift gets it with a ricochet." Tallus said smiling. "Too bad really." Tallus said shooting at a small spot ahead of Cara. As soon as it impacted a shatter of paint went everywhere.

Laughing as she turned Cara lobbed a bit of wet paint at him giggling harder when it impacted.

Tallus looked at Cara with disbelief. "Now that's two lunches you owe me." He said with mock anger.

Cara just laughed as she kept just out of his grabbing range "Oh?" she was having more fun playing with him than she had had in a long time.

Tallus leaped at Cara just barely missing her.

Cara giggled and lean't in kissing him on the cheek before dancing backwards.

Tallus smiled and leaped at her again, catching her this time.

Laughing Cara squirmed halfheartedly even as she snuck another kiss.

"You think that you can keep on sneaking those kisses do you." Tallus said as he got in a kiss of his own.

Grinning Cara deepened his kiss before pulling back slowly "Mhmmm."

Tallus layed back smiling. It had been many years since he had experienced any intimacy.

Looking down at him with a smile she asked softly "This ok?"

"Indeed, just haven't experienced it in a very long time." Tallus said sighing.

Smiling she nuzzled his cheek "Let me know if you want to stop."

"I won't." Tallus said grinning, returning the affection.

Her smile turning into a grin she kissed him feeling her system start to warm up "I guess that answers the Pon Farr question."

"Pon Farr is a very complicated thing. One of which can be long and painful or long ad sweet." Tallus said grinning.

"Long and sweet sounds pretty good right now." She kissed him and nuzzled in.

"I must say. It does have its appeals." Tallus said returning the affection.

"Feel like asking Dev and Nyx to babysit and move this to yours or my quarters?" Smiling down at him she could feel a slow burn.

"That would be logical." Tallus said nodding.

Cara had to giggle "That may be the only time you get to call something I do logical."

"I have a logical effect on people." Tallus said laughing.

Grinning she slowly lifted off him holding a hand out to help him up "Lets hope it continues."

"One can only hope." Tallus said taking the pro-offered hand.


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