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A Ghostly Presence

Posted on Fri 5th Jul, 2019 @ 11:47am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sun 11th Aug, 2019 @ 12:32am

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Deck 83, Chief Counselor's Office
Timeline: MD 5, 1515

Previously, in our counseling session ... "Is the ghost sitting next to you?" Paul asked. "I've felt a presence there since you came into my office, but I wasn't certain what it was, and it's unlike the other ghost I encountered."

Dallas glanced over at Victoria, who had grown quiet. “Yes, she’s here and if it weren’t for her, I would probably be dead by now. Say hi to Victoria.”

And now, the conclusion of our ghostly encounter ....

Victoria waited. She'd felt something from the counselor, known he had some sort of connection to Dal, and possibly to her. Now she waited to see how he would react to the knowledge, not a suspicion, that she was actually there.

With something of a sense of wonder, Paul glanced at the area of sofa where he felt the unseen presence emanating from, and smiled. "It's good to meet you, Mrs. Briggs. I hope that someday I will have as happy a marriage as you and your husband have."

He did not say 'had.' Given that Victoria was still around and regularly communicating with her husband, Paul considered them still married.

"Dal, tell him that's very kind of him, and that I hope he finds such happiness," Victoria said. She wondered if, with practice, she could communicate with him. Perhaps she'd come back alone at some point and try it. Maybe he could be the first psychologist to counsel a ghost. The thought made her smile.

"Something has amused her," Paul said. "I wish I could offer you tea or something, Ma'am, but I don't think that would quite work."

Dallas smiled, “She says that’s very kind of you and she hopes that you find happiness like we have. She has a smile in her face right now. I wish you could see it, it’s beautiful, she’s beautiful.” Dallas wished there was some way she could speak to others. As long as she’s here, she could use friends to talk to other than just Dallas.

"Do you ... have an image of her I could see, if it wouldn't be an invasion of privacy to ask?" Paul asked. "I just want to put a face to her presence."

Dallas nodded, “I have always kept a paper picture of her in my pocket. It’s given me good luck all these years.” Dallas slowly pulled out a small, tattered picture of his wife. The upper left corner had been burned off, possibly from the explosion in their quarters. Though the picture was in rough shape, the woman in the picture was definitely beautiful. He handed it to the Counselor.

The image showed a lovely, dark-haired woman in a glittering, rose-colored dress. "She is beautiful, Lieutenant," Paul said. "Thank you for showing me." He glanced toward Victoria's presence again and tried to imagine her sitting next to her husband on the sofa. "Well, Lieutenant, at the very least I can confirm that you haven't lost your mind. With that settled, we ought to work out what you both want to accomplish from counseling."

“Thank you.” Dallas said. “For the compliment and for confirmation that I'm not crazy for seeing a ghost.” He paused, “Now, for why I’m really here.” Briggs decided to just come out with it. “When I reported to the Chief of Security, I went off on her when she asked me a question.”

"On second thought, you might be crazy," Paul said with an amused look. "I suspect Isabella Perry could drop-kick me like a spring-ball if she half wanted to. What question did she ask, and why did it make you angry?"

"She said, 'Why are you here?' and I just went off, I felt apprehension and I was ready to leave, to find a new assignment," Dallas said. "I don't know if it was the way she said it or what those words mean to me ... I just don't know."

"What do the words mean to you?" Paul asked. "Or perhaps I should say, what did the words mean to you when Lt. Perry said them?"

"I don't know..." Dallas shook his head, "... it was like some type of switch, I just went off. I don't remember ever doing that before."

Paul thought a moment. "Going by what you told me a moment ago, I understood you to be saying that you felt rejected, and by someone who had never met you before and so had no reason to reject you. Is that correct?"

Dallas shook his head, “Like anxiety, almost a panic, but I’m not sure if it was how she said it or if it was what she said.”

"Hm. So why are you here?" Paul asked.

"I thought I was here because I was transferred," Dallas said.

"Interesting. It must be the tone Lt. Perry used, as well as the words," Paul said. "You didn't react emotionally at all, just then, except for feeling mildly amused."

“Maybe it’s because of the situation? We are actually talking about the sentence so maybe it won’t happen the same way,” Dallas said, then shrugged his shoulders. He glanced over at Victoria who was quiet.

She gave him a supportive smile and a nod, but she didn't say anything. When one is a ghost, invisible to almost everyone, it's best to stay out of conversations aimed at figuring out the ramifications of being the one to whom you are visible. That would be especially true if the ghost were someone near and dear to you, and you were having trouble accepting the loss. Dallas clearly was having that trouble, or Victoria didn't think she would be there at all.

And...Mrs. Briggs is keeping her own counsel, Paul thought. I wonder what that implies?

Aloud, he said, "If both of you agree, I would like to regard this as couple's counseling--and Lieutenant, I believe we need to see each other more than just this once. You aren't insane, but you are having difficulty accepting your wife's death. That's perfectly understandable. You lost her suddenly, in a violent way. In a sense, she was forcibly taken from you, and no one accepts that sort of thing easily, especially when there's such love between the two of you.

"And Mrs. Briggs, for all I know, you might yourself be having difficulty accepting your death. I would, if I were suddenly taken from a spouse. Or perhaps you are simply here to help your husband. I can't pretend to understand the metaphysical logic behind your being here. But since you are here, I welcome you to the sessions as long as your husband also does."

Paul looked back at Dallas. "The reports I write will make no mention of your wife's presence, except in your memory."

Dallas nodded, “So, when do you want me to come back for a talk?” Dallas wondered if he could be helped.

"Let's plan for a visit every two weeks. Let me know if you have any further incidents like the one with Lt. Perry. That's officially the primary reason you're here. When you and Mrs. Briggs come back, I'd like you to tell me if you've had any similar incidents with feeling hostile or--did you say panicked?--by people saying innocuous things to you."

Dallas nodded, “I understand Counselor.” Dallas stood up, “It was actually nice to meet you, Paul.” Dallas extended a hand to him.

Paul shook Briggs' hand. "Very good to meet you, too, Dallas." He glanced in Victoria's direction. "Mrs. Briggs, I look forward to meeting with you again. I am looking forward to it."


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