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Wed 25th Sep, 2019 @ 2:19am

Lieutenant Commander T'Len Mori

Name T'Len Mori

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 55 Vulcan Years

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Athletic build, tends to move quietly. Has an intense look when really focused on something. Has hair tied back in public and sometimes loose, in private. Looks in late 20's early 30's.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Hikaru Mori
Mother T'poi
Brother(s) Sulek-Younger
Sister(s) T'ping-Younger
Other Family assorted other family members.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Will tend to be quiet unless she has something to say. Some customs still confuse her but is always willing to learn. She is naturally observant and tends to pick up on things quickly. She follows orders and rules but is loyal to logic and her responsibilities. She can be friendly once relaxed and tends to have excellent emotional control, for the most part. Sometimes it can be difficult.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses:

• Can be under-estimated because of her quiet nature.
• Logic can be a little ruthless, a trait to watch for
• Can sometimes get so into research projects will forget time passage etc.


• Academics comes easy to her.
• Observant
• Loyal
• Creative
Ambitions Ambitions To grow and and learn for its own sake when possible. To help the Federation and Vulcan as an Officer with superior actions and informational analysis.
Hobbies & Interests Violin, puzzles, some new human thing she learned called ‘parkour’. and/or exploring among other interests. Writes occasional poetry, enjoys Vulcan Archery, and enjoys drawing/painting.

Languages Bajoran, Vulcan, Latin, Klingon, Romulan.