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Lost in Translation

Posted on Wed 4th Sep, 2019 @ 4:34pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov

1,345 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Turbolift 7 / Deck 12 - Main Operations
Timeline: MD: 06 - 1423 hours


"Destination not recognised." the computer's gentle feminine voice echoed through the turbo-lift for the third time. "Please clearly state intended terminus."

The fact the the computer displayed no change in emotion, while repeatedly denying his request, only angered Ra'Cho more. The Judoon security officer had been attempting to reach main operations. During the course of a briefing with the duty-shift team leaders, it had become clear from the confused looks that the unique translator, that was implanted just above his voice box, was malfunctioning again. The Judoon language was so simple, with so many words sounding the same - the meaning only determined by inflection and emphasis - that the standard universal translators employed by Starfleet and installed throughout the station and within the main comm-system, couldn't handle it effectively. Being the first Judoon in Starfleet, and the first to spend any real time with other species, it had become clear very early on in his career that this was going to be a problem and so, while at Starfleet Academy, he had worked with renowned linguistics specialist Ephesia Habernathy to create a unique, personalised translator that would enable him to communicate more effectively with other species.

Until, of course, it stopped working.

Given that Habernathy was not a resident of Starbase 109, Ra'cho realised that, if he was ever going to talk to anyone on the station again, he had to get to main operations.

And this was proving to be a problem in and of itself.

He was about to attempt to yell at the turbo-lift again, and to enunciate the two syllables as clearly as possible - as seemed to be the natural reaction of any species when they find themselves speaking to someone else who doesn't understand them - when he realised the futility of the attempt. Finally, he removed the access panel just to the right of the doors and attempted to reconfigure the navigation matrix manually. His large hands were not really designed for such delicate tasks, but, eventually, the turbo-lift was headed off in the direction of main operations, where, he hoped he would find the first person he needed to see.

The doors of the turbo-lift slid open and Ra'Cho exited, grateful to see Commander Locke, the station's executive officer, in the command centre, deep in conversation with Alora Baro, the station's senior operations manager.

As the Judoon headed in her direction, Mikaela glanced up at him, offered a smile and a nod and then continued her conversation.

Ra'Cho stopped beside Baro's station and waited.

"Can I help you with something, lieutenant?" Locke asked politely.

Ra'Cho wasn't entirely convinced that what he was about to do was going to work, but, given that he had few other options, he just went for it. He opened his mouth and started to explain the situation...

"Ro so jo pho toh xho. Ha-sa-en-cho. Ho toh pho MeH'an klo.

Alora looked at the Rhino headed alien in mild confusion. "I did not understand a word of that. Do you understand me?"

"Fa'Toh," Ra'Cho replied.

"He understands you," Mikaela replied. "It seems that the universal translator in the main matrix means that he's getting an accurate translation, but his own personal translator that translates his own speech is malfunctioning." She turned back to Ra'Cho, "Ro so pho xho? she growled, with a throaty, glottal voice sounding totally unlike herself, "Ko-sen-MeH."

Ra'Cho threw his enormous head back as far as it would go - which wasn't very far given the girth of his neck - and emitted a deep throaty laugh, that sounded like a animalistic roar before composing himself and nodding his head again.

Mikaela looked back at Alora. "My Judooon appears to be a little rusty," she said, "But we appear to have confirmed the problem. Do you think you'd be able to take a look?"

Alora was surprised when her CO started spouting in Judoon, they were still a rare presence in Starfleet. She certainly didn't speak it but then again the universal translator rather spoiled her. Making a mental note to ask her about it later just because she was curious, she nodded and pulled out an engineer tricorder. "If you'll step into my office..." She joked as she gestured to her area off to one side. "We'll do a scan to determine the issue."

"Ma'Ho" Ra'Cho nodded towards Locke, before he set off to follow Baro towards her office.

"You're welcome," Mikaela replied with a smile, as she reflected that apparently, even an eidetic memory has limits when it comes to the specific inflections of the Judoon language.

With a nod Alora lead the way and gestured to a seat.

Ra'Cho sat down, although he was clearly uncomfortable on the chair that was designed for a more average-sized humanoid.

Alora then took a small, thin tool and tapped a portion of the translator device, "I'm putting it into diagnostic safety mode. It will translate but slowly. Once I find the issue I'll need to remove it to repair safely." She explained then tapped it again, a blue light appeared and she put the tool back in a pocket, pulling out a flat headed one.

She opened the device then hooked a line from it to her tricorder to check both hard and software. She the device check each piece for its normal diagnostic response. It began to cycle through each part of the translator slowly, beeping with a green light for each part it cleared. Alora looked over at the Judoon Officer, "This could take a minute..." She said showing him the slowly ticking "percentage complete" bar at the bottom of the tricorder.

Ra'Cho made a low grunting noise which, even someone with no Judoon could tell, was less a word a more a general indication of displeasure.

It took a few minutes but she found it, "Ah looks like the micro inversion node burnt out, just a sec." She carefully removed it and put it on the table. She then put on a one eyed magnifying lens and leaned over then it poked at it with few different tools, finally removed a small piece of electronic that looked blackened. She put it in her pocket absently before pulling a fresh one from her kit and replacing it. Testing it she said, "Admiral Benbow lives in my finger." what she got was something about Admiral Bendow living in ones mother. She frowned, "Just a sec..." And continuing fine tuning.

The door slid open and Mikaela Locke wandered in casually. “Just thought I’d see how it was going...” It was simultaneously a relaxed and pointed enquiry.

Ra’Cho turned his enormous rhino-like head a few degrees, which Mikaela imagined, was about the extent his huge neck would allow. "Fo go ra’Jo." he said.

Artyom entered right behind Mikaela and stopped suddenly. He'd never seen whatever creature stood in front of him, and wasn't sure whether to be scared or laugh at the sight of what looked like a humanoid-Rhino. Not wanting to become the unfortunate victim of that horn, however, Artyom managed to stifle any audible amusement well enough that nobody could hear. "Eh, trouble?"

Alora straightened, gesturing 'one moment' to the newcomers. "I think I got it." She did a few more quick tests then reassembled the device and placed it back around the officer's neck. "Let's try this can you state your name and position." She said hopefully.

"Ra'Cho," the Judoon said, assuming by the expression on everyone's face that progress had been made."Ho so plo me'Ka jo.," he continued and immediately saw everyone's face fall as he understood that, perhaps, progress had not been made after all.

Alora frowned and picked up another tool, "Alright we'll try this this then. I think I caught some of that..." Ah yes the standard 24th century repair method. In case of things being weird, keep trying different parts and eventually it may be fixed...


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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 4th Sep, 2019 @ 7:55pm

A Ra'cho post! Yea!!!! I was wondering when you were going to write about him. :D

By Khellian s'Siedhri MD on Sat 7th Sep, 2019 @ 12:11am

My mind broke for a minute- I didn't remember joining a Dr. Who RPG. What a fabulous character crossover.