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Tram Rescue, Part 1

Posted on Tue 28th May, 2019 @ 3:11pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Teagan Keller
Edited on on Tue 28th May, 2019 @ 3:12pm

1,087 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Deck 700 and near Deck 730
Timeline: MD-1 1700

Previously, on Starbase 109:

"Thank you, Petty Officer Quinn," Chief Tayang responded. He looked around at the others in the medical team, nodded. "Let's go." The advance team were all wearing Crew Maneuvering System #40 and CMS #41 packs, secured with carbon-carbon lines to reels secured to the platform. The group hopped off the end of the platform, running a few meters before going free. They activated the CMS thrusters and moved down-station, their path lit only by the deck lights coming through the transparent walls of the tramway.
And now, the continuation!

Adam hooked Oscar into a harness so he could be lowered into the tram. "Okay buddy, here we go." He said. He checked around him as the rest of team was suited in and ready to go.

Petty Officer Quinn nodded at the lieutenant and gave him a thumbs up. The master switch was off, and the rescuers wouldn't be electrocuted, at least. She dreaded what she might see in the next few minutes, since few details had come about the extent of injuries inside. Although this type of rescue was part of her training in Matter/Energy Systems, she hadn't been involved in one of such major proportions in the past. "And they're really just children," she muttered to herself. "Ancestors sustain them."

Alora, nodded at Adam and Petty Officer Quinn, "We will get get them," she said, and she hoped she would be proven right. "Prophets watch over them," she said. Upon it being declared safe, she began to carefully repel down with her team. A leap frog style wherein one would go a bit then followed by their partner. It was almost like a graceful dance as the team carefully made their way, their arm mounted scanners continuously scanning around them for life signs and dangerous damage that may be around. They went down into the semi dark, emergency lighting only partially lighting up the area.

Jin-Kyung knew the drill. She waited for her turn, then hooked in and followed the others down the belaying system, hoping there would be an easy rescue and then she could help her boss discover why such a terrible thing happened. She wouldn't form any theories until she saw the accident until she did a little research. No jumping to conclusions. Her feet touched the floor, and someone unhooked her from the back.

Oscar was slowly lowered down before the four rescuers. Adam took his turn. As he made his way down, he tried to make a psionic connection to his sister. They were close enough that he should be able to 'feel' her. Opening himself to those below, he felt anxiety but no real fear. It made him smile. 'They were comforting each other and staying strong.' That was a good thing. There was some pain but he didn't feel much distress. But he couldn't 'find' Teagan. Perhaps she was one of the injured.

Chief Petty Officer Tayang had been the first to reach the up-station tram car, which was still attached to the rail. He'd anchored the line from his back for those following to use as a guideline. Switching off the power had killed the mains to the cars, but red emergency lights still shone out through the windows. He opened the rear door on the up-station car and pulled himself in. The gravity was off; the small gravimetric plates aboard a tram didn't have enough inertia to retain spin for long without power.

He glanced around, seeing a group of girls in school uniforms. He was amused to note that the ones wearing skirts which were now floating loose were mostly wearing lycra shorts underneath... but some weren't. "Special hell," he muttered, reminding himself that these girls were all underage. Aloud, he called, "I'm Chief Hospital Corpsman Tayang. Who's hurt?"

At the down-station end of the car, a Lamian girl had her serpentine lower body wrapped around a standpole, and her humanoid arms tightly wrapped around an Asian-appearing Human teenager. The Human girl called, "We self-triaged. Everyone in here is stable enough for transport. There's a nurse monitoring the edge cases in the forward car; we didn't want to move them."

"You and I can go to the other car for the injured. Baro and Quinn can get these ready and transferred." Adam tapped Tayang on the shoulder. "They're gonna need you for the injuries." As he gave his opinions, his eyes frantically searched for Teagan. Everyone was a priority right now but his heart sank when she wasn't with the uninjured. He looked over to the student who had spoken. "Were there any...that couldn't be saved?" he asked.

Aiko shook her head and gently repositioned one of Yucholl's hands. "No, Sir. There's a girl with a head injury, but the Nurse is monitoring her closely."

"On it," Tayang said. "Hooga, Maus, Katzenberg, verify everyone here is stable. Once you're sure, put them in a pattern enhancer array and beam them to sickbay." He looked at the officer and dog. "Sir? Shall we?"

Sarah was calmly watching and listening to all the hubbub around her, watching the dog and holding on to one of the standpoles near the main conversation. She was proud of herself because she hadn't needed any help and hadn't caused any extra problems. She wasn't proud of the fact that her stomach felt like she'd swallowed a boulder. How it got past the stone in my throat, I'll never know, she thought with a smile. Her dad had taught her that humor would get a person through many trying times, and thinking of her dad made her feel better. He would be proud of her when she told him his advice had helped her hang on.

"Oh, that's a cute dog!" Miranda said, catching sight of Oscar. She didn't make a move to go toward him, though. Rules were that you didn't distract guide dogs from their work. She could only presume that the same rules held true for whatever type of service dog this was.

Adam smiled. "His name's Oscar and he's here to make sure we get to everyone." He snapped his fingers and gave a quick whistle. "Oscar come." The dog immediately followed. There was more debris to go through to get to the other car. Adam could see at least three other students with the nurse looking after them. He breathed a sigh when he heard Teagan call the dog.

"Oscar? Oscar! Come here, boy."

To be continued ...


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