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Dining and Spying

Posted on Fri 26th Apr, 2019 @ 6:35pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Sat 27th Apr, 2019 @ 8:15am

678 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: multiple

By the time Adam had reached his wife in her Science lab, he had stripped off anything that looked vaguely like he was on duty. His hair was drawn back in a neat band, he wore a blue denim jacket with the black leather jeans he preferred when off duty. He didn't chime the door but walked in as he always did.

"Hello, wife!" He called in a cheery voice as he walked toward her and kissed her on the top of the head. "I came to take you to lunch at Orchids and Jazz and I won't take no for an answer." He tried to act cheerful. If he didn't have to tell her what they were doing, it would be better. He was surprised to see that Jasmine was still working on the information she had obtained from the nanite spores he had destroyed after Maynard disappeared.

"Oh Adam, what are you doing here?" She smiled up at the man as she moved to turn off her computer and stand up.

Adam looked behind her and then back to her. He shook his head. "I don't have time to ask you about what you're doing. But rest assured we'll talk about your research later."

"It's nothing." She waved him off. "Believe me after the dream I had the other day. I'll be happy to leave the secrets to the Intel department."

He laughed. "Okay for now. But I would like for you to come to lunch. I'm on an assignment and I need it to look like I'm merely at lunch with my wife. Can you look like you're off duty? I know you enjoy the lunch menu there, so looking like a normal lunch date won't be too hard."

Nodding, Jasmine pulled the band that held her hair in a tight knot at the back of her head. She brushed her fingers through it letting the loose curls drape over her shoulder. She was wearing her uniform but always kept a change of clothes at work in case of emergency or contamination. It was still Starfleet regulation but not a work uniform. "It'll only take a minute to change."

Jasmine locked the door to her lab and slipped into her civilian attire. "Ready for action. This could be fun." She grinned nervously

"Wish you could get ready that fast all the time." Adam joked. "Listen though. I don't know what's going to happen. I have to observe what's going on without being noticeable. But if things go awry and I tell you to leave, I need you to go without a second's hesitation."

"Yes sir." Jasmine snapped to attention and gave a hearty salute. "Any sign of trouble, runaway."

"Jazz, I mean it. If I say go, you need to leave like we were fighting. Promise."

"I promise." Jasmine looked worried.

"Okay, let's go." He grabbed her into a kiss and then put his arm around her waist as they went to 'lunch' together.


Orchids and Jazz

Arriving at the restaurant, Adam whispered to the host and the pair were seated inconspicuously at a table that would afford Adam an overall view of the table that had been arranged specifically for Ildaran and his guest.

Adam looked around and took note of everything he could. He mentally calculated the number of people in the room, strategically placed personnel and where the exits were. He watched the staff moving around the room serving, cleaning, checking on customers. He noted which areas each one took care of and how often they stayed at the tables. He didn't expect any problems but it was always thrifty to be prepared for anything.

It wasn't long before the waitress was taking their lunch order. Jasmine ordered a bacon and tomato sandwich with french fries while Adam opted for the hamburger with the same french fries. Both chose the original Coca Cola which was exclusive to Orchids & Jazz in this sector. There were replicated versions of the same but Adam and Jasmine both agreed, there was nothing like the original.



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Comments (1)

By on Fri 26th Apr, 2019 @ 9:34pm

Just a little dining without the wining. =) Hopefully, a stress-free date, and all is well.