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Not On Track

Posted on Thu 4th Apr, 2019 @ 2:18pm by

817 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Tivoli Gardens, Winter Sports, Deck 1552
Timeline: MD 1, 1628

Humming as she worked, Flavia finished a bouquet of red roses, pink carnations and white dogwood blossoms, then stood back to admire her work. A klaxon from the holotube snagged her attention and she turned the sound up slightly.

"Alert! This just in. There's been a tram derailment on Deck 730. Please avoid the tram stations on Deck 700, where rescue efforts are staging, and Deck 750, in the new Besm Enclave. I repeat, please avoid tram stations between decks 700 and 750. All trams on those decks are shut down until further notice."

Caroline Post's voice betrayed no emotion, but was calm and earnest as she continued. "Please do not hinder rescue and medical teams by going to those decks and getting in the way. Further information will be posted as it becomes available. Please avoid tram stations between decks 700 and 750 until the all clear sounds. Casualties are not known at this time, but relatives will be notified. Please do not try to contact Security, Medical or other departments at this time. Remain calm and carry out your business on the other decks as you normally do. That is all we have for you now, so I'm returning to your regular afternoon programing." The game show, Blind Luck, was just ending.

Turning the sound down again, Flavia tried to calm her racing heart. Where were the children? This was the day of the field trip to the Winter Sports venue, but that was in Tivoli Gardens, far from the accident decks. There was no reason for any of her family to be on the tram there. They were safe ... surely, they were safe?

Her next steps were still forming nebulously when her personal holocell honked like geese in the wild. Grabbing it off the counter, she answered, "Hello? Marcus?" She hadn't even taken time to check who was calling.

"I just heard the tram news, and I know you, so we're all fine. We weren't on the tram," her husband assured her. The relief weakened her knees and she felt behind her for the stool and sat before she could fall.

"Blessed be the One," she breathed, trying to keep her voice from being as wobbly as her knees. "Where are you?"

"We're still in Tivoli Gardens. Everyone had a great time. Even Terminus was on the snowboard for a few minutes, on the bunny slope, with a harness. We went behind the scenes of the business, too, and saw all the work it takes for people to have this much fun. We stopped for snowcones, so we weren't even near the tram or the turbolifts," her husband assured her again.

"Good, good," Flavia replied, beginning to settle into the calm she needed. "Thanks for the harness. I know you believe he can handle anything you throw him into, but he is only three, still, and you know I worry. How did everyone do? Any sports stars on the family team?"

Marcus chuckled, "Some possibles. Alerio took to it like ... well, I don't know what, but he was grace and balance personified. And you know Claudia is a dare devil. She was trying spins and slopes I would have saved for another lesson, but they both did well. The others enjoyed it, but Herodia prefers skis, and Ianus and Gloriana would rather ride their bikes. Actually, I think Ianus would rather have stayed home reading, but that's a tale for another day."

"All pretty predictable, then. And what about you, my darling and daring one? How did you like snowboarding?" his wife asked with a laugh.

"Darling, perhaps, but daring? Never! I tried a small slope or two. I can't ask the children to do something I'm not willing to do, but it's never going to be my preferred activity. I'll probably either ski with Herodia or read with Ianus!"

Flavia laughed. That was what she'd expected. "At least, you were out having fun, and managed to miss that tram. I'll see you at home in a couple of hours?"

"We'll all be there," he assured her. "I might even have dinner on the table, what would you say to that?"

"I would say ... don't let Terminus cook anything!" she smiled. "The last time, the egg cracking was a disaster. Just use the replicator, and make something really good for after a day in the cold. Soup, maybe."

"Sounds like we're on the same holodeck," Marcus laughed. "Soup it is, with warm banana pudding for dessert, eh? Uh-oh, Terminus is making an escape. We'll talk later. Love you, bye!"

After a moment, Flavia said softly, "Love you, bye," and clicked the dead cell to off, laying it back on the counter. She took a deep breath and let it out. It wasn't her children today, thank the One, but it was someone's children or loved ones in danger. She prayed all their injuries could be healed and families reunited.


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