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Diplomatic Briefing

Posted on Fri 5th Apr, 2019 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant Commander T'Len Mori

598 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Suzuki's Office
Timeline: MD 2, 10:00

"And just in here, if you please, Commander," Warrant Officer Mejia invited the Diplomatic Officer with a flourish.

Commodore Suzuki stood up from her desk. Behind her, the display wall visitors often mistook for a window was showing a view from a satellite on the far side of the system's primary from them, a full and brightly lit view of the gas giant the first-in survey team had named Nāmaka after a Hawaiian sea goddess. Its bands of blue and indigo swirled picturesquely, giving rise to violet storms older than the Federation itself. "Commander," Suzuki said. "Please, come in. Have a seat." she moved around the desk, indicating the pair of sofas which faced each other across a coffee table.

Lt. Commander T'len Mori nodded, her black hair neatly tied back. Despite being half human, her Vulcan features were still very much in evidence as she nodded again politely to her Commander. "Thank You, Commodore," she said, her soft alto voice flowing into the room.

Suzuki resumed her own seat, studying the officer opposite her. She'd call the diplomat a young woman, but with Vulcans, one never really knew -- this young woman might well be older than she herself was. "I hope that you will forgive me the pleasantries of meeting. It is cthia1, I believe, to simply set forth upon the matter at hand. Therefore, tell me, Commander -- have you any experience with Besm?"

T'len paused considering, "Yes, somewhat, a few years ago I was part of a team that attended a scientific conference hosted there to update our information on their cloning and other related systems first hand while trading information on the latest in humanitarian technologies, medical and so on." Her told was polite with an underlying hint of musing curiosity. It had been an interesting society to explore first hand. "The history of how they came to be is quite fascinating."

Suzuki nodded. "I've never visited Home. I did, however, have an entire Clone aboard USS Samurai. They were frighteningly competent, while seeming to play at everything." Until half of them died, Suzuki thought guiltily, looking down into her tea mug. After a long moment, she looked back up. "In a couple of days, the first ship full of colonists will be arriving to take up residence in their new enclave, located between decks seven-four-three and seven-six-two, inclusive. The same vessel will be bringing the enclave's governor, Rebekah Wildrose."

"It is an...intriguing place..." T'len said carefully, giving the Commander a moment as she caught the distracted attitude when Suzuki stared into her cup. "I understand..." she replied as the Commander continued, "You wish me to reach out to Governor Wildrose?"

Suzuki nodded. "Governor Wildrose was the first of her species to serve in Starfleet. She retired two years ago, as Vice Admiral. I want full honors and ceremonies for her arrival."

T'len bowed her head briefly in acknowledgement, "Of Course, I will review the procedures immediately. It is somewhat complicated by the fact she is not only a retired Vice Admiral but the leading foreign envoy for her enclave. I can blend something suitable and forward for your review if that is suitable?" Her ordered mind laying out its next steps, always eager for a challenge.

"That would be an excellent plan," Suzuki agreed. "Thank you for your hard work."

[1] A Vulcan word typically translated into English as "logic," but actually possessing more complex shading and nuances; a better translation might be "reality-truth."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 12th Apr, 2019 @ 7:06pm

I'm looking forward to this. I'm hoping to have many Besm adventures!