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Responders, Part 1

Posted on Wed 3rd Apr, 2019 @ 3:06pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Commander Paul Graves PsyD

814 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Deck 700, Tram Platform
Timeline: MD 1, 1625

(In Ops: Tram Accident)

Alora was reviewing a report when the call came in. Like all top priority emergency calls it caused an alarm to go off and an orange light pulsed in the room. Everything came to a halt as heads whipped to the dispatch station. The senior dispatcher hit the intercom to speak to the department even as Alora rushed over.

"Code Orange, Repeat Code Orange. There has been an incident in the tramway near deck seven-three-zero. Potential mass casualties. Massive damage detected. Damage Control Teams muster at deck seven-zero-zero tram station; secondary personnel to their Code Orange Stations. This is not a drill. This is not a drill." Personnel kicked into gear the rushing was faster but efficient, no movement wasted, no panic. They had a job to do.

Alora looked at the grizzled dispatch officer, a former Chief Petty Officer the Ensign was old for his rank but Alora was glad to leave him in charge here, "Continue to coordinate from here, I'll be on site."

The man barely had time to nod before Alora was gone already calling up scans of the area on her wrist mounted computer. He got in the intercom again, "Ops Actual is going to lead the efforts, follow standing orders. Stand by for further instruction." His booming drill instructor's voice carried, calming some of the newer personnel in their first emergency.

Quinn checked her tool bag, to make sure her rubber gloves were in their pocket, then threw it over her shoulder and followed the team heading for the accident. A tram derailing was likely to fall under her specialty of Matter and Energy Systems. Prepared for the worst, she still hoped there was no loss of life.

(Main Security)
Michaels had just begun to read the list of staff having access to the cold case evidence room when a department-wide alarm sounded, and the comm officer's voice came over the intercom:

"Attention, all personnel! Code 999, 962. Officer requesting help on deck 700, tram station. Tramway accident, with multiple casualties. All available personnel needed."

Michaels swore under his breath and hurried from his office. He found the communications officer. "What's the situation?"

"Tram derailment, sir. Word is, there are kids among the casualties. At least one of the schools just let out."

Michaels nodded and gestured to the security personnel leaving workstations and offices. "All right, listen up, everyone! We need to keep traffic clear at the Deck 700 tram platform. Looks like that's where rescue efforts will stage from. Morgan, get your team out there. Whatever Addams needs, once she arrives, do it." Morgan nodded, gestured to his people, and the group left. Morgan was already on his combadge to the Engineering Division to have them beam traffic barricades to the tram platform ahead of them. "DuQuesne! I'll see your team out there." The blonde security officer who led the Accident Prevention Division and her people hurried off to gather rescue equipment.

"The rest of you, get on crowd control. There are kids on this tram. I don't want any anxious parents getting in the way of medical personnel.

(On-Site Platform 700)

As Adam and Oscar made their way quickly to the tram station, Adam saw other rescue teams moving into place. His work before intel made him qualified to assist in any rescue operation, and he needed to find who was in charge to offer his assistance. Oscar had been specially bred as a services dog and rescue work was, as they say, 'in his blood'. Adam had no intention of getting in the way, but he would do whatever was necessary to get to Teagan and the other children on the tram.

(Marine Country)

On the Marine decks, Gen. Sinclair was looking over a three-dimensional star map of the area surrounding the station, which showed areas of known pirate activity. His combadge chirped, and he tapped it. "Sinclair here."

"Sir, there's been a tram accident near deck 700. Significant casualties."

Sinclair gave a grunt that might have hidden a curse. "Thank you, Corporal. Put me through to Captain Suzuki."

"Right away, sir. Here you are."

"Captain Suzuki--This is Frank Sinclair. I hear there's been a tram accident. I have a search and rescue team. Can you use 'em?"

"General, thank you for the offer. I'm out of my office right now, taking care of some other business, but Commander Locke, station XO, assures me our folk have everything in hand." On the other end of the circuit, Suzuki paused a moment. "Probably wouldn't be bad practice to have your folk suit up and standby, though. We both know things can spin out of control before you know it."

"Roger that. Will do, Ma'am." Sinclair said. "I'll get out of your hair now. Sinclair out." He contacted the S&R team, ordering them to suit up and get into position at Deck 700 in case they were needed.


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