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Posted on Sat 2nd Mar, 2019 @ 2:53pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller
Edited on on Sat 2nd Mar, 2019 @ 2:57pm

1,230 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Science Office/Lab Deck 95


Jasmine paced in front of her desk. She'd been going over her schedules and personnel reports all morning but needed a break. Her mind kept going back to her meeting and then back to those tapes from the lab. "Those awful tapes." Maybe if she took a break and went to her lab, worked on her system set up, and thought about something else. Standing, she stretched her back and twisted her neck and shoulders until she heard the popping of her joints as the air and pressure were released. She headed out of her office and into her lab. "Computer close the lights." She managed as the doors closed behind her.

Stepping into the main lab, she called for the lights and then activated her sector hologram project. She liked to work out the systems when she wanted to relax. It was mostly busy work but it kept her mind occupied when she had trouble concentrating. As the room came to life, Jasmine gave a sigh and began walking around and through the swirling planets, stars, and all the anomalies that she had charted in the sector. "Computer add Drakken IV and pull up that area of the Neutral Zone."

As she walked around to view the new addition, Jasmine noticed a small container on the counter. There seemed to be a note attached. Immediately assuming it was a gift from Adam, Jasmine smiled and picked up the container. It was a small gunmetal grey container, spherical in shape and it had two blinking green lights indicating there was a containment lock turned on. "Odd," Jasmine thought as she mulled over the package.

Turning off the containment lock, Jasmine twisted the hinge open and lifted the lid. Looking down at the small cylindrical capsule, she recognized immediately that it was a Borg origins nanite exactly the same as the two she'd had before that Adam had destroyed. This one, however, was not dormant. There were tendrils from either end only centimeters long but they were actively seeking a host. Quickly putting the lid back on the containment box, Jasmine set it back on the counter. She was now more curious than ever to find out about who sent this to her so she picked up the note that had been left...

Ms Collins,
I watched the research of your little project with great interest and was very disappointed when you allowed your husband to destroy it so easily.
I was even kind enough to provide you with a second innate element so you could safely discover their vast secrets.
I have decided to grant you both a stay of execution, at least for the time being. Do not disappoint me.

I have gone to great lengths to procure these specimens so I could provide you with them. I urge you to take better care of them this time. Failure to protect them from your husband's destructive temper will be catastrophic for you and your little family.

You will keep your investigation secret. I expect by now you realize I am aware of who you are, where you work, and where you live. I know where you are vulnerable and how to make things difficult for you. If you speak to anyone, I will kill your daughter. If you fail to make progress in your work, I will take your daughter as an incentive to work harder. If you involve your husband, I will kill him and take your daughter.

If I were you. I would put most of my attention into this project and begin again immediately.
I also suggest you use caution. I was unable to find dormant 'nanites' this time. The two you have now are quite active and quite capable of assimilation.


What would she do? How would she get out of this? How could she keep this from Adam or the other authorities on the station? She had to protect her daughter. Who could be watching her so closely?

In disbelief, Jasmine once again opened the small containment jar to reassure herself that the note was a lie. Reaching in, she picked up the small object once again and turned it over in her hand. It didn't appear any different than the dormant chips she had held before except for the tendrils that extended a few centimeters. "How could you ever replicate enough to take over a human soul?" her thoughts were whispers to herself before the tendrils suddenly came to life and poked into the fleshy part of her palm. Jasmine panicked at first but then relaxed when she noted that nothing had happened. "Must have just poked at me." She gave a relieved sigh. "You scared me." She scolded the inanimate object in her hand before noticing that the area had begun to turn an odd shade of grey.

As she moved to return the node to its container, she couldn't help but watch the discoloration in her hand intently. Her eyes widened with fright when she realized the spot was growing and by now was twice the size it had been only seconds earlier.

"No, no, no, no," She felt the panic settle in. "This can't be happening, it can't." She was babbling as she tried to remain clear-thinking as she shook her hand vigorously in an irrational attempt to make things go away. By now her entire hand was an awful, grey-white color as she sat at the computer station to think.

"Computer scan my hand," she ordered.

"Beginning scan." The computer barely finished responding when a red light briefly flashed over Jasmine's hand. Klaxons suddenly sounded and red lights in the room flared to life. "BORG DETECTED ON DECK 95."

"What?! Oh Goddess!" Jasmine jumped from the chair and tried desperately to remove her hand even knowing it would be impossible. As she turned around, she came face to face with with three Security Officers aiming blast phasers at her.

"Wait, please." She put up her hand and saw that now her entire forearm had changed color. "Please, this is a mistake!" She moved toward one of the officers as tendrils reached from her fingers toward him. There was a loud explosion of blinding light....

Jasmine sat bolt upright at her desk and saw Adam standing at the door, leaning against the frame, watching her with a smile.

"Nightmare?" He teased.

Jasmine was stunned but in the split seconds that passed, she realized she was safe and in her office. A quick look at her arm and she knew it had been a dream. She jumped up from her chair and dove into Adam's arms.

"Hey, hey. It was just a nightmare." He consoled his wife.

"It was so real." She didn't want to let go of him and she couldn't help crying. "I want to go see Lana."

"Okay, let's go see the baby." Adam had no idea what the nightmare had been but he could tell his wife was still extremely upset.

"We need to stop by my lab first."

"Your lab?"

"I just have to check something." She said.


Jasmine saw the empty console. There was no container, no note.

"Computer turn off the lights." She gave a relieved smile.

"You okay?" Adam asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay now. It was just a nightmare." She smiled still holding her husband. "Let's go get Lana."



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Comments (1)

By on Wed 13th Mar, 2019 @ 3:15pm

Oh, you had me! But ... was it really a nightmare? Or was it someone infiltrating your mind? LOL Great post!