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Night Terrors

Posted on Wed 6th Feb, 2019 @ 9:29pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

790 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Khellian's Residence
Timeline: Just before "Back in the Saddle"

"Prepare to die, Starfleet bitch," came the voice of the Orion over her command system.

Wellington flipped her fighter over, directing it at the Orion fighter and engaged the warp engines.

Wellington bolted up, taking a moment before realizing she had let out a scream. Her nude body was glistening in sweat.

Khellians hand was gentle on her hip for that is where it had been displaced to. He'd woken when his bedmates restlessness had begun, though not completely until the scream of terror.

She took a moment to recover and slow her breathing. She looked immediately at Khellian. "I'm sorry I woke you," she said softly before lying back onto the bed.

He reached out and deliberately caressed a line up her new arm. She was so stong, but such strength is brittle, and he hoped he could help her to temper it. "Im not." He whispered, feeling the sweat on her skin and the fear that was still making her heart race.

Taking a deep breath, she sat back up. "I should at least take a shower," she replied. "It was another nightmare about my fight with the Orion."

"Might I join you?" Khellian asked quietly, wondering which of his suspicions about her nightmares were true. He didn't like that she shut off her emotions so quickly after waking from a screaming nightmare.

She let out a sigh, closing her eyes. A part of her wanted to be left alone--it was what she was used to. Yet another part of her wanted--needed his company. "Yeah, if you want," she said, standing.

"I do want" he whispered kissing her sweaty shoulder before turning down the covers. She couldnt start to heal if she didn't let the poison out.

She walked into the shower, remaining quiet as she let the warm water flow over her, washing away the sweat and seemingly the anxiety from her nightmare. She watched Khellian enter the shower and she wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. She knew he was concerned. She looked up at him. "I'm sorry for not being more open. It's just that I've been used to dealing with this kind of stuff myself."

"Of course. You are a warrior, and your strength has been finely-honed. You are not accustomed to sharing because I'd imagine the men and women under your command cannot for any reason see what you perceive as weakness." Khellians voice was only slightly louder than the water spray but it was seemingly warmer. His fingers worked into her hair to cradle her gently against his chest and then began to gently massage the muscles at the base of her skull and her upper neck.

Brooklyn sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying Khellian's touch. "I just don't know why it's affecting me so much. If I don't get back flying soon, I don't think I may ever get back."

"You stared willingly into the face of death. It has an effect on people." he answered, pressing his lips gently to the top of her head. "Maybe you should simply fly. Not with any purpose, but just to renew your love of it. You do love it don't you?"

"Of course I do," she replied. "I guess you're right." She kissed his chest lightly.

"Love is a powerful motivator for change. " Khellian commented dryly. A chuckle rumbled through his chest before he continued. "I wish that I could fly with you. That is something I have never done." As he spoke his hands continued to ease the tension in her muscles.

Normally she would be against having a civilian fly with her as when she was on duty, she took things seriously for the most part. However, she liked the idea of having Khellian fly with her. "I think that can be arranged, " Wellington replied.

His surprised chuckle bounced off the walls in the shower, and his hands paused on her neck. "Truly you would fly me around? " there was something in his voice- an almost childlike delight that he didn't bother to try to contain. His fingertips traced down her spine, tracking the path of the water drops.

"Sure," she shrugged, enjoying the touch. "I am the CAG after all. Why are you interested in flying?"

"Its something I've never done before" he answered softly "I am always interested in broadening my horizons."

"Then I'll be happy to help," she commented as she kissed his chest lightly, slowly making her way lower.

He made a sound deep in his chest, a rumbling almost purring sound. "Dont start something you cant finish woman." His voice held the slightest hint of challenge, while remaining affectionate.

Wellington grinned. "I always finish what I start," she replied before continuing.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 12:40am

A nice way to make a nightmare recede into the background!