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The Descent of a Falcon

Posted on Wed 6th Feb, 2019 @ 10:40pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Captain Andrus Grax

716 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Stardock - Docking Port 9
Timeline: MD 01: 0730


Mikaela Locke had been in main operations when Fighter Control had confirmed that all the fighters dispatched to escort the battered USS Falcon to One-Oh-Nine had safely returned. Shortly afterward, the dock master reported that the Defiant-class ship was safely inside the enormous space dock and was secured at docking port nine.

Now, she was joined by Doctor Addams, a small medical team and Alora Baro, the station's senior operations officer, awaiting the arrival of the remains of Falcon's crew.

The doors of the interconnecting port slid open, and a man with a black goatee emerged from the opening. He had a nasty-looking gash on his forehead and dried blood was stuck to the side of his face and his red uniform tunic. Despite the obvious injury, he seemed otherwise unhurt.

"Captain Grax," Locke said, formally, taking a step forward and extending her hand. "Welcome to One-Oh-Nine."

Grax smiled broadly, "Mikaela Locke, as I live and breath." He took her hand and shook it warmly. "Commander Locke, no less," he continued, with a hint of pride in his voice. "Command looks good on you."

"I hate these new red tunics," Locke replied with a hint of a smile. Before Grax had a chance to respond, she turned to the officers flanking her, "Captain Grax," she introduced formally, "This is Doctor Addams, our senior medical officer and Lieutenant Baro, our chief of operations."

Baro nodded, her repair kit over one shoulder her teams standing by. She could do nothing for the living or dead but she could do something to help the ship upon which all had depended and she intended to.

"Chlamydia Addams, of the New York Addamses. Charmed, I am sure." Her eyes didn't leave the wound on the Captain's head, and she reached out with a pen-light. "Follow the light with your eyes, please. Is your doctor ambulatory?"

"Unfortunately not,' Grax responded. He did as instructed as Addams moved the light from side to side, although the expression on his face told everyone he believed she was wasting her time. "Doctor Kahgen was one of the casualties of the attack. Our EMH has been active since."

Addams nodded. "Yellow two," she announced over her shoulder, and one of the staff made note. "You're not in immediate danger, Captain, but you may have a concussion. Come and see me in sickbay before you go to sleep. In the meantime, please tell any members of your crew who are ambulatory to come quayside and get checked out by one of my people."

"Thank you, Doctor," Grax replied courteously enough, although clearly grateful to not have a light shining in his eyes anymore. "I'll ensure that they do."

When Addams had finished with the Captain, "Sir, can you tell me where to find your senior available engineer? I should get out of everyone's hair and see about how my people can help." Baro asked politely, she couldn't fix people but non biologics were more her speed. That was something she could help with.

"They're probably still in the engine room - or what's left of it," Grax replied. "Feel free to board and make the necessary introductions." He indicated behind him to the open airlock.

Baro nodded somberly, "Understood Sir, we'll do what we can." She said with utmost respect, understanding just what kind of hell she'd be walking into. She glanced at her own superior, "With your permission Ma'am?"

"Is there anything else we should be aware of at this point, captain?" asked Locke.

"I don't think so," Grax said, "There'll be time for debriefs and such like later." He paused, hearing some footsteps behind him, and turned to see who was coming. A tall, unshaven, human male rounded the airlock and stepped out beside the him.

"Everything's powered down, captain," he reported formally, "We're ready to begin repairs."

Grax nodded and turned back to the assembled officers. "Commanders, Lieutenant, this is my tactical officer and acting XO - Lieutenant Commander Jason Fisher..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the initial shock, followed by the uncomfortable stare that Fisher and Locke were giving each other.

"Commander Fisher," Mikaela eventually said, as formally as she could possibly manage.

"Commander Locke." Fisher replied coldly, ignoring everyone else.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 8th Feb, 2019 @ 12:41am

Oh, secrets! I like how you tied this in to the original post about the two of them. That is so serendipitous!