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Holo exploration

Posted on Fri 15th Feb, 2019 @ 9:08am by Makila i'Hartelhai
Edited on on Fri 15th Feb, 2019 @ 10:16am

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair

The manufactured sun light was bright overhead, and provided a pleasant warmth in the garden area. Makila briefly turned her face up towards it, enjoying the sensation of sunshine on her face. That was one thing that she's missed from being planet side, weather. They handed the simulated sunlight that was different every day , and while they watered, there was no rain no wind and no weather.

"Maybe the holosuites have programs with actual weather." Makila muttered dryly

Brooklyn walked up and grinned at the young woman sitting that she recognized as Makila--Khellian's daughter. "It's close enough," she commented.

"I would like that. I enjoy being planetside and feeling the warm wind and warm rain. Would you like to come um...Brooklyn is your name right?" Her easy smile and bouncy curls gave her the impression of being younger than she was.

"Of course," Brooklyn smiled as she began to walk next to Makila. "How do you like it here on the station?"

" Actually I like it a lot, it's nice to be in a place with a lot of Minds. I love that the feel of everybody is different and that Papa isn't so scared here as he was before." Makilas soft voice was soothing and it was easy to tell why she was a brilliant nurse.

"Why was your father scared? Was it the Tal Shiar?" Wellington asked.

"For a long time it was. Even after the destruction...what if they survived and still came after him. I think sometimes he still has Nightmares of the Tal Shiar. Since i learned to shield i dont see into his nightmares as often."

Wellington knew all too well the effects of nightmares on a person. "I hope he knows that he and you are both safe here on the station."

"Its hard for him sometimes. Being a Doctor on Romulus was fairly prestigous, and he went from that to being the hated enemy of the Federation. Its all relative, you know?"

The two women closed in on the nearby holosuite. "Alot of people tend to mistrust Romulans but I tend to be a pretty good judge of character and your father comes across as a good and honorable person in a respectable field," Wellington stated. "And on a station this big, there is no shortage for a need of doctors."

"Oh he knows it. I think hes quite happy to be a neighborhood physician again. I know he was considering joining starfleet so he could Doctor once again."

"He wouldn't have to join Starfleet. He could join the Base's staff as a civilian specialist if he wanted," Wellington stated as the two women arrived at the holosuite. "What program did you have in mind?"

"I don't know actually. I was thinking about Betazed, my birthfather was betazoid so I do have some small calling to see it. Do you have any suggestions?" Her fingers stroked her black curls with a smile, undimmed by speaking about her unknown birthfather.

"Betazed sounds great," Wellington replied. "Janal is a beautiful city."

"Have you been there?" Enthusiasm made her voice raise in pitch a bit before settling to a normal tone.

"Once during a shore leave but that was several years ago," Wellington replied. "How come you've never been back to Betazed," she continued as she input the program code into the holosuite's computer.

"Back to betazed implies that Ive been to Betazed before. I have not. " She was the picture of childlike exhuberance as she bounced into the holodeck. "None of our safehouses were on Betazed. Papa did his Federation medical studies remotely."

"Ah," Wellington said as they entered. The doors closed and vanished behind them. Before them were an array of buildings with people walking about. Forests could be seen in the distance all around. The sun shown brightly in the clear sky. "This is the city of Janal--well at least the market sector anyways."

"Wow..." Makila breathed, holding the word out unintentionally showing her delight in the new place she was seeing. "It's so bright."

"I can make it partly cloudy if you'd like," Wellington offered.

Makila giggled and shook her head "I wanted weather. Lets make it rain. Warm of course so its not uncomfortable."

Wellington shrugged and grinned. "Computer, change weather to light rain and change temperature to 24 degrees Celcius." Soon rain began to fall as clouds moved in. "How's that?"

Laughing with delight, Makila spread her arms wide and raised her face to the falling rain "I love this. I know I act like a child but...there is something special about rain"

Wellington enjoyed being with Makila--her child like attitude towards the simplest of things was refreshing. "You should always take time and enjoy what makes you happy. "

"More people should take your advice." she answered quietly, sticking out her tongue so the water pooled in her mouth.

Sensing that there was more to Makila's words, Wellington decided to ask. "True. Is there someone specific you're referring to? Is it your father?"

"Him as well. It applies to many people. Too busy with career and duty to find the things that bring them joy." She shrugged her shoulders absently. "He hasnt been truly relaxed or happy in a long time. I like to feel his enjoying life."

"Your father seems to be relaxed and happy when I'm around him," Wellington stated. "From what I've learned so far, he has had a tough life."

Makila chuckled "Father hides his fears and anxieties very well, almost as if he had a Vulcan ancestor. Well he has had a tough life, mostly due to his adopting me." Her eyes flickered away from Brooklyn " though if you think about it, if he had not adopted me he would have been on Romulus when it was destroyed"

Brooklyn nodded. "It's amazing at how things work out sometimes. But don't blame his hardships on yourself, Makila. I'm sure if given the chance, your father wouldn't change a thingand from what I can tell thus far, he has done an excellent job raising you."

"I appreciate that, truly i do. Im glad enough that I am a partial cause of him being alive..."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 15th Feb, 2019 @ 10:08pm

A nice bit of finding out more about the lovely Makila! We have the ability to have weather events in Tivoli Gardens; however, the residents vote it down each time it comes up for a vote - twice so far.