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Pulling the Rug Out

Posted on Fri 15th Feb, 2019 @ 10:40am by Khellian s'Siedhri MD

381 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Dr. s'Siedhri's Quarters

Khellian awoke in his bed slowly, with a cooling spot of warmth next to him. Brooklyn must have just left, but had decided not to wake him up. How kind of her he thought as he stretched leisurely under the soft covers. The chronometer read 1000 in soft green glowing numbers, and he was surprised to have slept so long. I must have been tired. Best get moving.

A smile tugged at his lips as he remembered the night before; both her screams when she woke him from his sleep and later on of an entirely different sort. His shoulders were going to hurt from the marks she left upon them. Turning he glanced over his shoulder to look at the scratch marks on his back. I love that humans are so passionate.

A piece of paper lay on his table, written in a hand he didn't recognize. Since it began 'Dear Khellian' he began to read it. The first time his eyes tracked over the words, disbelief furrowed his brow and made him not comprehend the words before his eyes. A statue of a man in the middle of his quarters a burning sensation across his chest made him realize one that he hadn't taken a breath in long enough to cause himself pain.

A huge gasp relieved aching lungs but did nothing for a strange pain in his left side. Bending slightly at the waist, his large palm pressed to his side.

Reading it the second time certain word groupings stuck in his brain. 'Youve been wonderful to me'...'Its not fair to you'...'My career as a marine has to be my first priority'...'I hope my leaving doesnt cause you too much pain. I never meant to hurt you.'

He reread the line about her leaving four or five more times before the agonizing comprehension dawned. His companion was leaving him behind. Mouth moving a few times he finally managed to get words out in Standard English and not Rihannsu.

"Computer...Location of Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington..."

"Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington is no longer aboard Starbase 109."

The statue of a man sank to his knees, eyes closing tightly against the burn there. The letter was forgotten, drifting away from nerveless fingertips.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 15th Feb, 2019 @ 10:12pm

What a great, and painful, reaction to Wellington's exit. You really did a super job on this.