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Accidental Social Call

Posted on Mon 24th Sep, 2018 @ 10:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,447 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Pub 10-42, Deck 595
Timeline: MD 13, 1915


As tempting as it was for Andrew to go to the opening night of the new casino with his staff, he preferred somewhere with lesser fanfare. Besides, he planned on paying a visit tomorrow and thought making an appearance two days in a row would be excessive. Whether he was justified in that or not, Andrew found himself walking the promenade this evening, making a conscious effort to walk slower and take in the surroundings. The promenade was still bustling with activity but it was a relatively quiet night all things considered, which suited him.

Walking past Pub 10-42, he found himself thinking about stopping in for a drink. Reaching for his combadge, Andrew thought for a moment on seeing what Serena's plans were tonight but assumed she was with most everyone else at the casino and returned his hand to his side and entered the restaurant, taking a seat at the bar.

The Pub wasn't very crowded, and Riko supposed that the Casino opening had pulled a lot of people in. She wasn't interested, but she'd felt the need to get off Samurai for a while. Her order of Capelli d'angelo in Alfredo Sauce with Melanzana Fritta on the side was being prepared and she busied herself quietly checking out the other patrons of 10-42, making up reasons why they were there instead of at the big to-do down in Tivoli Gardens.

She saw someone slip onto a bar stool and took a second glance. Yes, it was definitely Andrew Eberstark. Debating for a moment, she did decide to go over and invite him to come sit at her table.

"Andrew? That is you, isn't it?" McCord said, coming up on his right side. "Why don't you come join me at my table? I haven't seen you in quite a while."

Caught off guard by the call of his name and who spoke it, Andrew turned and stared blankly at Commander McCord for a few seconds, "Commander. Good to see you," grabbing his drink, he followed the woman over to her table, "Deciding not to partake in opening night?"

Riko half-smiled and shrugged as she sat, "My luck hasn't been the best the last few months, so I decided not to risk my retirement pension on a turn of cards. What have you been doing with yourself? You're permanently here on SB109, right?"

Andrew nodded, "Makes sense." Sitting down across from her, he continued, "For the moment, yes. I honestly wasn't sure if I would acclimate to life aboard the Starbase and not a starship, but there hasn't been a dull moment since I got here." Solemnly nodding at her again in reference to the recent events, he added, "Some better than others, of course."

Not wanting to dwell on the unfortunate events, Andrew asked, "Do you have your next assignment lined up yet?"

McCord shook her head, "No, I've been dithering about whether to stay in Starfleet at all. It's very tempting to go home, but not as tempting as it was a couple of months ago. I've taken an extended leave, with the permission of my commanding officer. Actually, it was the captain's suggestion that I take some time to see how I felt with more distance from events. I've moved back to Samurai. Henry is doing an amazing job of repairing, remodeling, rebuilding."

They were quiet for a minute. "It's an amazing place, SB109, isn't it?" Riko said finally. "Our entire ship fits inside a dry dock. It isn't the same as a planet, but in some ways it seems like one."

Andrew raised an eyebrow at her indecisiveness at staying in Starfleet. He had never been in the same position she was facing but there were times he considered an alternative path, but never took it in the end. "I for one am glad you're putting thought into your decision and not making any rash decisions. Starfleet would lose a good officer."

Taking another sip from his drink, he gave a causal glance around him, "It is a sight to see. I still don't think I've seen it all yet. Been more focused on work and acclimating to one part of it at a time. Thinking of 109 as a whole can be a bit overwhelming. If you're staying much longer, there's a lot of relaxation and unique areas from different cultures near SB109 worth checking out." Smiling, he added, "Who knows, maybe that'll reinvigorate your exploration spirit."

Riko laughed, but she didn't think exploring the Promenade or even Tivoli Gardens would help much. She was healing, but slowly. Changing the subject, she asked, "I haven't kept up with a lot, especially since leaving Suzuki's quarters. And by the way, those are absolutely awesome family quarters. There's even a swimming pool! Do you have any interesting cases you can talk about? I know there is pirate activity. That much I picked up from the hoo-rah surrounding Colonel Wellington's rescue, and a few other bits of news that have filtered down to me."

Andrew gave a shrug and smile, "Like I said, I don't think I've had a chance to take a breath since I got here. I have no shame in admitting it took some time to adjust to my new position and duties, both within the Starbase and coordinating outside of it." Getting more serious, he added, "That being said, the other major investigation I've been a part of was a series of murders on SB109." He paused to think back on the string of events, and didn't want to dampen the mood by going into detail, so concluded, "That's something I hope I don't have to go through again. Most everything else has been minor, all things considered."

Riko shuddered, "Murder is never a nice occupation to investigate. I've heard about the fellow found in the casino, but I didn't realize there had been a whole series of them. Isn't it odd? You can take us off planets, and out of over-crowded cities, but you can't take the viciousness of certain kinds of behaviors out of humanoids, apparently. It seems to follow us all, no matter what species." She contemplated that for a moment and then went on in a more cheerful vein.

"So you haven't found a woman to share your life, or even a date?" she teased. "That would certainly get you out of the office!"

Shrugging again, this time a little more uncomfortably than the last, "I've been a little more social than I've been in the past," smiling while deliberately being vague, "I plan on making a more concerted effort on that front in the future. As I hope you do too, if you don't mind the suggestion."

McCord smiled. "Turn about's fair play, my grandmother always says, but no romance on the horizon for me. I haven't spent enough time at home in years to make any kind of contract, and ... I don't know that I'm ready to go home for good. Not really. I was when I came here. The captain was right, though, time and distance are helping how guilty I felt. Now," she grinned wickedly, "do you have some beautiful woman in mind?"

Despite the awkward feelings Andrew had attempting to respond, some part of him was relieved he could have this type of conversation outside of his own head. As with Riko, Andrew hadn't been back home in years and couldn't even remember one meaningful correspondence with his family for months. Perhaps it was time to change all that.

Andrew looked down at his glass and then back to the woman giving what he perceived to be a slight grin, but probably looked a bit bigger to someone who was more objective, "In mind? Yes. In reality? I least I hope so. There's been a lot of work to do recently plus you know how much time I usually spend socially," pausing to finish off his drink. "We'll see how it goes."

"Andrew! I was just teasing you! I'm so glad you are at last thinking about it. I won't jinx things by asking for more information, but if something comes of it, you better let me know," she laughed, genuinely happy for him. She, too, finished her drink.

"It's been great to see you. Let's not wait so long to have an accidental meeting next time!" McCord smiled to show she was at least half joking.

Andrew gave a nod in understanding as they both rose to leave the table and grinned, "I'll be sure to keep you informed of my social life," exiting the Pub, he added as they parted, "Just make sure you do the same."


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