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And another thing...

Posted on Mon 24th Sep, 2018 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

452 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Captain's Office, SB 109
Timeline: MD 12, 10:30

Captain Suzuki looked up from her desk display as the door slid open. There were very few people her Yeoman would admit without announcing, but this was definitely one on the "admit immediately" list. "Guns!" she called cheerfully, and waved at the replicator. "Help yourself, and then have a seat."

Andrew couldn't help but smile at hearing the old nickname given to him by the Captain some time ago as he entered. Deciding to take up her offer, Andrew headed to the replicator and quickly ordered a water before taking the seat offered, "Thank you, sir. I had three coffees this morning so I probably should have some water to at least stay partially hydrated."

"Ma'am," Suzuki corrected him absently. She glanced down at her chest. "Breasts," she noted, and left it at that. She took a sip of her own tea, and then asked, "Where are we on this pirate thing, Andrew? Did y'all find anything interesting out at the ambush site?"

Andrew gave a resigned nod and smile, "Sorry, ma'am. I'll have to remember to get back into that habit," pausing to take a sip of water and contemplate whether this was small talk or genuine, "I'm sure you heard of the escape pod we picked up. And we also just happened to discover a cloaking device in the wreckage. Romulan design, unknown manufacture -- which isn't surprising, all things considered."

"Well, keep at it, and keep me informed," Suzuki said. "Also, speaking of cloaking, I'd like you to look into setting up passive defenses in our local-space control zone, would you, please? I don't want a repeat of what happened with Colonel Wellington, and the CAP pilots before her. If there's a cloaked object, I want sensors to pinpoint it before it decloaks, and I want our weapons operators to take it out without loss of Federation lives."

Responding in anticipation of the request, Andrew answered, "Already working on a plan and proposal for revised defenses to counter and detect cloaked objects using unmanned probes to create our own little tachyon detection grid. We also have a few other ideas we are testing. You'll have a full report on your desk shortly."

"Thank you. Next item; I've signed an agreement with the BESM. They'll be leasing twenty decks, between decks 742 and 762, inclusive. We'll probably start seeing increased traffic from them within the fortnight as construction crews and then residents arrive. These are civilian craft we're talking about, so I want you to get with your people and make sure the rules for IFF on civilian friendlies have been reviewed and any kinks ironed out."

"Understood, s--ma'am," Andrew responded and grinned, "I'll make sure we are all good to go."


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