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Cleanup on Deck 595

Posted on Mon 6th Aug, 2018 @ 4:32am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Jaryl Phoebus

548 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Timeline: MD 9 0930

It was Alexia's second day aboard Starbase 109 and of course the bill of sale for the spa she was assigned to was in her hand. It was a curious situation- an experiament on the part of starfleet- to get their officers happy, healthy and relaxed. She'd purchased it with her own funds, not only with Starfleets permission but under their supervision of sorts. Theyd given her a generous stipend to rehabilitate the facility, and get it back to code. A portion of her earnings would go into fleet coffers, though she was not sure for what.

The previous spa that had been here, had discovered embezzlement on the part of the owners wife and had closed up shop in a hurry. Of course, the closure hadn't done so to code. The water had been left on, and several of the pools were still full or partially full and the stench had stopped her dead in her tracks...the eyeburning reek of dead rodent and mildew was overpowering to the nostrils, and was only added to by the aromatic blend of algae and stale water. Stepping deeper into the space the elegant young woman's nose wrinkled until she looked almost Bajoran. " disgusting, utterly disgusting. How do the people who live around here bear the stench? Fortunately the original designer was good, or else I'd be in a world of hurt. "

"You talking to me ma'am?"

"No. No, more to myself than you my friend. But how do things look up there?" Bright eyes raised to the second level of the place where her assistant and right hand man was standing.

"It's sturdy and well built but utterly filthy. They've got carpet up here for some reason and something was leaking on it. At least I hope it was leaking, if not we've got a different kind of cleanup job on our hands."

"Don't borrow trouble." Shaking her head, the ebony haired beauty walked to the edge of the first of the hot tubs and dipped a probe into the emerald green water. Where it pierced the algae, there was movement in the water of tiny visible protozoans and other 'bugs'. Alexia shuddered at the ripple of life through the water. "Blech!"

"Would I do that ma'am?" Jaryl asked as he peered over the edge with a peculiar hand gesture.

"Can't you call me Lexi like everyone else?"

"Nope!" came the good natured banter from the man as he came down the stairs. "We're going to create a paradise in here. Cascading pools, hottest at the top and cold at the bottom. Plants and stone to hide the view od one pool from the other. Steam rooms, soaking rooms and each one can have a theme, a salt chamber and of course space for massage, accupuncture and other spa essentials. I have so many lovely ideas. " The enthusiasm on the mans face was also shown in the animated signing he did by default as he spoke.

"Draw me out your ideas and we can start to get it together. But first we've got to get this place clean. " Lexi wrinkled her nose again and then turned nodding, as the assigned cleanup crew began to arrive.

Its a good thing I got a stipend from Daddy too.


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