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Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul

Posted on Wed 7th Aug, 2019 @ 11:37pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran
Edited on Sun 17th May, 2020 @ 12:17am

427 words; about a 2 minute read


It feels like forever since I've written in this thing to just record the happenings of my life. Said life has been nutters for the last week or so--in more ways than one. Work has pretty much swallowed my time. Captain Grax, our latest DH, wants us to not overwork, but things are becoming more lively in the current case, and some overtime hours are necessary. Frankly, I dislike shutting the work down for the day when I'm in the midst of a thing. I've been in the middle of something for five of the last seven nights, and the other two, I simply came home at the regular time and fell into bed right away.


* Discovered that our Lady of Interest (LOI) has (so far) four separate personalities. None of us saw that coming.
* Searched for and found three potential lawyers for LOI and presented them to her.
* Planned and carried out interrogation strategies with LOI. Quite a challenge, as part of the problem is getting her to trust me. Once she does--if she ever does--I will have to remain worthy of that trust while still fulfilling the requirements of my job. Could become a sticky wicket if I'm not careful.
* Discovered that LOI's One Ring really does come from Mordor, because only Sauron could come up with a blaigheard thing like this. The more I learn about it, the more I want its creator dead.
* Harvested a lot of tomatoes this evening because I've not picked them in a week. On the other hand, when work slows down, I'll be able to make a wonderful lot of tomato preserves!

I've barely talked to Elizabeth at all. I miss talking with her. I miss laughing with her. Sure, I enjoy myself with the folk at work and people I've met as Corin; it's not all grim and dire secrets among us. But time with Elizabeth is special. Every moment I spend with her is ... Cripes, I don't know how to describe it. An adventure. Mentally stimulating, Shared enjoyment in each other's company. A delight. Do I dare say spiritual? I can't say I even understand what 'spiritual' means, but I feel she uplifts some part of me on a deep level that never knew it was missing that until the day in the Japanese garden holodeck program when she first caused me to profoundly feel it.

I could be friends with a thousand people, but not one of them, I don't think, would appeal to me as much.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 10th Aug, 2019 @ 1:09am

Oh, that's such a sweet sentiment about Elizabeth. You are so honest and she is so unused to emotions. She's feeling for the first time, and also trying to learn what the feelings mean. Without Damion as the person opposite her, it would all be much harder.