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Posted on Tue 20th Aug, 2019 @ 11:44pm by Miranda Callas

414 words; about a 2 minute read

Dear Diary,

Menali and I and about 20 other friends who were in the tram derailment went out to Eighteen Below this evening to celebrate being alive--including Makila, the girl on the tram who broke her arm. Nobody knows who threw the party. It was like a real party; we didn't have to pay for anything! I don't know who did that, but wow! I'm thanking them here and now.

So, anyway ... Celebration of Life. Sounds like a euphemism for a funeral, but everyone had a good time. Well, Menali and I were celebrating life. Everyone else not from St. Joan's was there for Death by Chocolate. Can't say I blame 'em. I think they need a Death by Chocolate bath in that new spa. Sounds a lot more fun than mud, if you ask me. Deliciouser, too. Is 'deliciouser' a word? Can we add it to the dictionary? It ought to be in there.

The computer says 'deliciouser' is not a word. Computers are stupid.

I loved the party, but it was too bad it couldn't have been in a bar. We could have had pink lemonade daiquiris, at least. God, I can't wait till I'm old enough to drink! Then we'll be able to really party!

Last I heard, they're still trying to work out what caused the tram derailment. The latest rumor I've heard is that it's something to do with gravity differences in deck plating. Or something like that. You ask five different people; you get five different stories. I'm sure it'll turn up in the news at some point. You know that Caroline Post chick will report on it.

Speaking of news--I think Aiko and Yucholi have a thing going. It was like--the way they kept looking at each other without wanting to look like they were looking at each other. Kinda cute, if you ask me. We'll see if they come to the Winter Dance together. Though, honestly, whoever heard of a Winter Dance on a starbase? Who comes up with these crazy ideas? There is no winter in space.

Menali and I have decided that we should start up a business partnership when we graduate from college and call ourselves E, because together, the two of us are MC2. See, Professor Shofner? I did learn something from Physical Science class! I didn't sleep during all of it. Just, well, you know, as much as possible. Because Physical Science is zzzzz.


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