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Infiltration Specialist's Log

Posted on Sun 31st Mar, 2019 @ 7:31pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

178 words; about a 1 minute read

I've not had any infiltrating to do lately, save at Durant Repair Services. Not much to report there, save the usual suspects doing the things we already know they do. Pertinent information has been shared with Lt. Perry of the Security Department.

The interview of Ms. Zelda Alegari--Proceeding.

Remat detonators--Looked into these. I don't think Dr. s'Siedhri is behind it. Per the reports I've received, he's not had any clandestine meetings or communications. Just seems like a decent sort, trying to build his practice and raise his daughter.

So who is smuggling them onto the station?

I'm thinking we'd do well to investigate Trav's family, who run the two barges and the Slug & Grub restaurants, just on general principle. They really don't seem the sort to deal in such deadly merchandise, but they might also be completely ignorant of the detonators even if they are smuggling them. The buggers are small enough to resemble flaws in a bottle of Romulan Ale. It could easily be done, and that family would be none the wiser.

Monitoring continues.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 2nd Apr, 2019 @ 10:04pm

What fun to read all your personal log entries this from this weekend. I've fallen behind on my own from Elizabeth and others. I shall soon have to catch up! These always give a little insight to the characters that I wouldn't otherwise have.