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Chief Counselor's Log/Personal Log--Today Was Rough

Posted on Sun 31st Mar, 2019 @ 5:55pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Thu 4th Apr, 2019 @ 10:58pm

352 words; about a 2 minute read

Chief Counselor's Log

Today was rough, to put it mildly.

At about 1620 hours a car on the tramway derailed, causing many severe injuries. A large proportion of those injuries occurred to a group of students from a girls' school here on the station. Naturally, their parents were frantic, and a sizable crowd gathered on a good thirty decks to watch the rescue taking place. That particular tram line is likely to be out of service for a while. I haven't seen any preliminary reports as to its cause, yet.

Most of the injured were simply beamed off the tram directly to Sickbay so they could go into surgery. After that, the ambulatory passengers on the cars farther back were deboarded and sent to the CFDA infirmary.

The parents were naturally terrified, and I and my staff had to calm them down. In all, some 47 girls were injured badly enough to need emergency surgery. Commendations to Lieutenant Guillory and Ensign T'fal for their excellent work with the families. Lt. Guillory stayed in Sickbay with a single parent until her daughter, who is her only child, came out of surgery, and Ens. T'fal's calm reassured the families she worked with and helped them gain some emotional control. For a Vulcan who is culturally unused to facing distraught patients, I feel she handled herself very well.

* * *

Personal Log

Today after work I came home, brewed myself a gallon of jestral tea, and I've been drinking it down. I've been thinking of going to see Mikaela, but I'm afraid I might be too much the Counselor if I see her tonight and not enough me. Even though the casualties of the accident have been taken care of, I'm still very keyed up from having been on all afternoon and some of the evening. It wasn't as bad as the casino grand opening because I went in prepared today. But my shields are in shreds, and everything feels raw. I'm not sure I would be very good company for Mikaela tonight. I need to at least call her and see if she's all right, though.


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