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Situation Report #2

Posted on Sat 16th Jun, 2018 @ 9:03pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

153 words; about a 1 minute read

The situation to date

Stardate: 9406.16
Project Spider pre-cleaning completed and build-out begun. Monitoring continues to scan for outbound anomalous signals from SB-109.

Actions since last report

* Scanned deck 1549 extensively and placed detectors. No transponders found.
* Began scan of deck 1550 and placement of signal detectors there. 50% done.
* Modest advertising in place.
* Secured anchor customer--Edward Hunt, new owner of casino to reopen soon.

Actions to be completed

* Get full signal detector coverage of deck 1550. Begin on deck 1551.
* Continued monitoring of outgoing communications on bandwidth noted by AWACS.

Actions to be Completed by next SitRep

* Buildout of Project Spider site.
* Assessment of deck 1550 and report to be completed.
* Hiring accountant and two repair staff.
* Study of station departures log from timestamp of Amok event to present.

* With anchor customer contracted, need to add staff sooner rather than later.
* Will need to 'hire' an accountant/desk person.
* No further outgoing signals in this much time = troubling.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 17th Jun, 2018 @ 12:13am

Love your logic and notes. One could imagine this is a real and succinct spy communication.