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Smells Like Baffled Spirit

Posted on Tue 20th Mar, 2018 @ 8:08pm by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
Edited on Tue 20th Mar, 2018 @ 8:10pm

402 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal Log, Stardate 239303.20

I hate it when music and lyrics don't fit well. I was learning this really gorgeous cello piece when I discovered it had words. So, in all eagerness, I hunted down the lyrics in the library computer and came up with the most confusing tangle of nonsense I've ever seen. Though, in this case, I think the song is trying to say something, but I don't think its author quite knew how to get the point across. For instance:

Load up on guns; bring your friends.
It's fun to lose and to pretend.
She's over-bored and self-assured.
Oh, no! I know a dirty word.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Where did 'she' come from? What dirty word is he talking about? And why would I care if he knows one or not?

The lyricist uses a lot of opposites--saying that it's less dangerous when the lights are out, pairing mulatto with albino and mosquito with his (presumably large) libido. The song is entitled, "Smells Like Teen Spirit," but it contains no olfactory references at all. I guess it's like that old joke about the cat reading To Kill a Mockingbird and being ticked off that no mockingbirds are killed during the book.

Yeah, I should just stick to the music, because the music is freaking brilliant! I could play this song all night and maybe arrange it for a chamber group.

In other news...
The USS Samurai docked with Vanguard earlier today after being in one hell of a battle. I've never seen so many medical personnel and severely-wounded patients all gathered together in one place at the same time, ever. It was bad. I don't know who tore into that ship, but it'll be weeks in repairs if it's not scrapped outright. From what I heard, the CO is in Sickbay after undergoing emergency surgery.

Oh, and the XO is a dolphin named Bowditch. Go figure. How the heck does a dolphin get named Bowditch? Wouldn't its name be more like a translation of Squeee-eee-eee? In other words, I am dying to find out.

The staff meeting about this--that's going to be a briefing I'll want to stay awake for. Must remind myself to bring coffee.
(End log)


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