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Posted on Tue 13th Mar, 2018 @ 9:43pm by Lieutenant Jacen Miller

409 words; about a 2 minute read

Jacen plopped himself down into a chair in his temporary quarters. "Temporary quarters." he scoffed to himself. They were quite nearly as big as his apartment had been on Earth. These Galaxy Class Explorers sure were something else. He had never been on such a large vessel. The covert missions he had been assigned to had always required less conspicuous modes of transportation. Indeed, being on such a large and noticeable vessel made him nervous. He sat for a moment, looking out of the view port at the stars streaking past it. He sat there, bemused, for a few minutes before something drew his attention.

"Computer?" he inquired. The answering beep came almost immediately. He paused before continuing, "Begin Personal Log... I am two days out from Earth aboard the U.S.S. Orion. I am en route to my new assignment as Chief Intelligence Officer on Star Base 109. A trip that is likely to take nearly three weeks to complete."

Jacen paused, reaching for the glass on the table next to him. He brought it to his nose, inhaled and took a sip of the wine before continuing.

"I did not ask for this assignment. I'm not all together sure that I want it either. However, the Admiral gave me no choice in the matter. I was quite content to ride a desk on Earth. The Admiral seems to think some time in deep space will do me good, though. I'm not sure what help I'll be to this station... don't know a thing about it, and I'm not entirely qualified to run a department...I'm just a spy after all, and a broken one at that." Jacen paused to take a second sip of the wine. Holding it up to the light to admire it's color. "Not bad big brother...not bad at all." he mused to himself. Glancing at the empty bottle on the table, he drained the half full glass before setting it down and continuing his log.

"Star Base 109...Vanguard I think they call it. I wonder how it got that name? Never heard of it until the Admiral brought it up. He seems to think its right up my alley though...I hope at the very least whoever is in charge out there can give me something interesting to do..." Jacen never finished his thought. He drifted off to sleep. A few minutes later the computer shut off and recorded the log automatically.


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