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Personal Leave

Posted on Sat 13th May, 2017 @ 4:38am by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels
Edited on Mon 9th Mar, 2020 @ 12:14am

225 words; about a 1 minute read

I must have looked or sounded worse to Lt. Commander Jekkar than I thought I did. He granted me leave immediately, when I'd requested to take it in a few days. I can't say I'm not glad. I just finished two hours of cello practice in the holodeck this evening, twice my usual practice time--two hours of the saddest, angriest cello music I could pour out of myself.

I feel a lot better, strangely enough--or maybe it's just that I feel like a limp dishrag that's been washed up onto a beach from so much practice. Cello practice has been a kind of meditation for me. Whatever I'm feeling I can put into the music, and it helps, like I'm looking at the feeling, knowing it's there, and then letting it go. It means I can look at those videos a bit more objectively now. Now they're just something awful that the perp did, instead of tearing into my gut every time I think about them or see them.

Can't wait to see Dad and play my real cello; the holographic one just isn't the same. I heard back from Rafe. His ship will be nowhere near a starbase for the next several weeks, so I won't be able to visit him. Have a Guinness for me, buddy.

Now to make travel arrangements.

End log.


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