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Needing a Mental Health Day...or Several

Posted on Fri 5th May, 2017 @ 1:28pm by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

434 words; about a 2 minute read

Well, I almost lost my lunch yesterday evening.

There I was, minding my own business in the forensics lab, and I get these two horrific video files from Genetics, showing me what caused the crime scene I found on deck 1440 earlier that day. That is the kind of thing you see in horror movies about mental asylums in which the patients take over. You never, ever expect to see it as a recording of something that happened in real life. I'm thankful they were only about three seconds long, each, and that the third one was pretty much medical chart notes on their first test subject and not more medical torture footage. Sherlock Holmes was right in his opinion of doctors gone bad.

Holy God... I don't know who the sick bastards were who transplanted a conscious person's organs into another, but I hope they are dead, and I hope they died in worse agony. Fire's too good for them. For me to say saying a lot. Napalm, maybe. Yeah, I could go for napalm.

No, I'm not feeling in a merciful mood right now. What was your first clue?

Going into that secret lab on 1440 was bad enough. Smelling the smoke from the explosion...In my mind I was back home again, and only the fact that I'm not ten years old anymore kept me from dropping to the deck and screaming. I will never get the smell of scorched everything out of my head as long as I live.

Fortunately(?) the lab itself was so horrifying that no one paid my momentary flashback much mind. Weird, but it was easier for me to deal with the bodies at the time than with the scorched smell. I've seen some awful stuff. Until I saw those videos, though, I'd only ever imagined what must have occurred at a crime scene. I've built computer models to account for every angle of trauma, every spatter of blood. I haven't been dubiously fortunate enough to work one of those crime scenes in which the perp videos himself committing his crimes. That's one of the nicer things about working forensics in Starfleet; it's overall a saner class of people. Well, it was.

I think I'm going to apply for some leave soon. I'd like to get away for a while, clear my head. Maybe see Dad or Rafe. No word about Grandfather or Uncle Francis, MTRIH. I'll talk to Jekkar about taking some leave in a day or two, after I look over my current workload and see who I can visit.


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Comments (2)

By on Wed 17th May, 2017 @ 3:25am

This adds immeasurably to the understanding of the story line, without ever being specific. Great job!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 17th May, 2017 @ 5:26am

I am so glad you enjoyedit !
