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Personal Log - Christmas Craziness

Posted on Sun 8th Jan, 2017 @ 10:00pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Wed 11th Jan, 2017 @ 5:03am

309 words; about a 2 minute read

So this is Christmas on Vanguard.

I didn't quite expect it to be celebrated here very much, as we're out in the back of beyond and far from Earth. I'm somewhat familiar with the holiday, as my Dad is from Earth, but we never really made a big deal of it on Betazed. We celebrate the winter solstice, but that's about it; it's more a rural holiday to commemorate the light returning. I lit a sun candle at midnight and sang the Sun back.

So...Christmas. Apparently, Terrans go insane with it.

First, there are the decorations all over the Promenade. Even that little Bajoran religious shop has lights and pine boughs all over the outside of it. I love the place because the store owner keeps a pot of hot, fragrant tea going for her customers. I might not buy anything else there, but I do buy the tea. Anyway...The entire Promenade has been doing an eye-popping amount of business over the past few weeks, murders notwithstanding. The shops are packed.

Then there was the flash mob on Deck 600, Christmas Eve night. How do you get that many people to sing "Carol of the Bells" together, that precisely? They had to have been practicing for months--but where? And whoever picked out the spot was a genius, based on the acoustics.

I've received 'Season's Greetings' cards from half a dozen people I don't even know.

I have discovered that you don't eat the corn husks that tamales are wrapped in. I was glad to find that out; corn husks are not very appetizing.

And I'm going to have to hurt whoever spiked the egg nog with Trixian Bubble Juice. I should have suspected something when I noticed it was pink....I'll bet it was the folks from the Lower Lounge.

Lt. Paul Graves, PsyD
Chief Counselor


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