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Observations and reflections

Posted on Wed 5th Oct, 2016 @ 3:12pm by Lieutenant David Anthony

273 words; about a 1 minute read

David writes in his personal log, sitting in his quarters. The quarters are functional, but a little spartan. He will have to make some changes to the decor. His bedroom needs a darker shade to help with sleep. The other areas need lighter colors to brighten things up. A few more lights, and a pet. Everyone has heard about the dead aquarium, but a pet is needed. A cat would make a nice companion.

His office isn't overly large. It has a desk, several chairs, a small table, several computers. A shelf or 2 will have to be installed. I have a few family pictures to place, and manuals to place. It has only been a few days on Vanguard, but it has been meetings with engineers and maintained even, and with the command staff.

The run down base already has a mission to under take, a mysterious vessel has appeared, then disappeared just as quickly. Short range sensors are working to some degree, but long range sensors are almost non-operational. That is a priority, followed by shields.

Tomorrow, some of the command staff will board the Repulse and try to find this rogue ship. I may be wrong, but it felt that there was some tension between Commander Drake and LTCMDR Hunt. I've heard talk among the crew that the commander wants to command a starship, not a rundown starbase. He still seems to be a competent commander, as is his exec. Now as long as I don't make a fool out of myself.

Now for a few hours of nap time, then over to the Repulse and start checking out the systems.


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