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Posted on Tue 4th Oct, 2016 @ 9:01pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

333 words; about a 2 minute read

Barely been on Vanguard for anytime at all and a Senior Staff Briefing was held. A mission....already! I didn't expect the first one to be so quick for a rundown starbase... but we have our orders.

I'm slightly concerned that Drake will be leading this away mission. We have barely been on Vanguard for anytime at all and he's already eager to get off it and onto a ship. I know he desires a ship over a starbase and was angry when assigned to Vanguard, but he can't always leave Vanguard without the main commander. I've briefly expressed my concerns to him and he didn't seem to want to listen, maybe next time he might. After seeing his temper first hand when I first met him, I know this will prove to be tricky, but I will try my best. As Executive Officer I do, and will, always have Drake's best interests at heart...even if he doesn't see that yet.

I can only hope the away team is successful in their task at hand and that Vanguard has no major problems whilst Drake is away. After the chaotic briefing with Dr Addams' collapsing, let's hope we can get her better and find out the cause of all this commotion. She's our Chief Medical Officer and would not like to be without her. If anything happens on Vanguard or even the away team and she's not ready for it, then it could be a disaster.

The good news for me is all the senior crew that I met today, seem good, albeit some seem a little weird. Maybe when I get to know them a bit better they won't be so alien to me. I've only spoken to a handful first hand so will be nice to catch up with some of them and find out a bit more about the Crew I will be working with.

Anyway, all I can hope is the away team make it back in one piece.


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