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Elliot's Personal Log II

Posted on Mon 1st Mar, 2021 @ 2:44am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

231 words; about a 1 minute read

Elliot had been leaning back in the pilot's seat dozing off and on since making contact with the Thunder Child. A thought or maybe a dream woke him. He had to protect Kendar and it's people. He tapped a few commands onnhis console. "Computer, encrypt my personal logs so that I am the only one that may access them.

"There would probably be someone in Starfleet that would read my report and ignore the Prime Directive and exploit the special people of Kendar so I'm going to have the Prototype delete its logs for the entire trip to Kendar all the way until know. It's uncharted and should be safe. I would like to visit there one day, but without the logs even I wouldn't be able to find it, but it's for the best. End log."

Elliot looked up from the console. "Computer, encrypt my personal logs and as soon as you can access Starfleet's mainframe, save them to my personal file. Right now, I need you to delete all logs that would reveal the location of Kendar in accordance with Article One."

"Action complete, no logs exists pertaining to the for mentioned planet."

"Thank you, computer." Elliot leaned back and began to relax once more. Closing his eyes he soon drempt of his wife, Meghan, of finding her in their quarters as if nothing had happened in the mission.


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