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Elliot's Personal Log

Posted on Wed 10th Feb, 2021 @ 8:45am by Lieutenant Elliot Jericho

254 words; about a 1 minute read

Elliot sat in the Pilot's chair on the Prototype and leaned forward, activating the recording for his personal log.

"I'm back aboard the Prototype Shuttle. I'll rendezvous with the USS Thunderchild in a couple of hours where they will secure the Prototype in their shuttle bay and I can get checked out by Medical. I can't believe that some potion healed me, but I feel great. I can't help but wonder what type of life I'm leaving behind back on that planet from the Midevil times. It was like a childhood fantasy to be there. It could have been a home for me, but I have to find out what happened to my wife. She's my life."

"I think the queen has a handle on things and will be a fair and just ruler. I hope the prophecy is wrong and that she doesn't need me to rule the kingdom. I would like to go back sometime and see how things have gone. It would be a cool place for a vacation."

"Anyway, it's time to close this note out and get some shuteye. By the time I wake I should be close to the Thunder Child."

"Farewell Camelot. Meghan, know that you are always and foremost on my mind. Until we meet again, hugs and kisses."

Elliot hit the control once more shutting off the recording and leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the console. He was tired and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.


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