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Autopsy Report, 63229.28

Posted on Wed 30th Oct, 2019 @ 3:53pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D.
Edited on Wed 30th Oct, 2019 @ 6:27pm

473 words; about a 2 minute read

Personal Log Stardate 70827.43

This file was found in a partly-corrupted file catalog, Starbase 109 database.
Dr. Nyx was on SB109 approximately 2385-2386. No DNA test report has yet been found. Further careful research is warranted.

The date on the autopsy is not the date the events occurred, only when the autopsies occurred. I'm storing this on a cold PADD, not connected to any system.

Recording on.
Autopsy Report on three unknown bodies recovered from [redacted]
Dr. Nyx, Presiding.

No evidence has been submitted which yet identifies the three bodies which are the subject of this examination. Initial evaluation of the three humanoids turned over to me for autopsy indicates they were all alive during extreme surgical alterations.

Body A:
Male, humanoid, possibly mid 30s. Advanced state of desiccation.


Nanite implants much like the Borg would use:
His eye was removed and replaced.
The frontal lobe of his brain removed and replaced.
His heart was removed and replaced.

None of these surgical procedures killed him. Death was a result of poisoning. Large amounts of Varaxa were found in his organ tissues. I presume he was a failure.

Trace amounts of kironide, a drug used to enhance or induce telepathy in human species, was also present in his tissues. DNA enhancements present. Ligature marks on wrists and ankles, probably a primitive hemp rope, indicate a long period of restraint. These things being so, I conclude the victim was not a volunteer.

Body B:
Female; Klingon hybrid; early adolescence, probably about 13. Advanced state of desiccation.


She's had her sexual organs altered to make her appear male.
Traces of Varaxa found in organ tissues
Trace amounts of kironide also present in tissues
Her throat was cut, both sides of her jugular.

Death was caused by exsanguination...she bled out. DNA enhancements present.

Best guess is, the modifications worked and she got violent - tried to escape. Ligature marks on wrists and ankles indicate a long period of restraint. Further, bruising shows the female broke through the bindings, a probable cause for her murder. I conclude the victim was not a volunteer.

Body C:
Male; human; mid-twenties. Suspected Starfleet officer. Advanced state of desiccation.
Upper left arm tattoo, possibly Marine Intelligence Infiltration Division, according to Captain Horatio Drake.


Multiple genetic alterations

DNA markers include Vulcan, Klingon and Chameloid
Replaced and transplanted organs within the body.
1. Betazoid hypothalamus
2. 2nd heart, Klingon
3. addition of copper to blood

Death: possible copper poisoning - heavy metals in the bloodstream of humans are deadly.
Knife wound in left shoulder stained blue. Test for Keltara Blue, deadly poison, even to large humanoids such as Klingons or Cardassians, no antidote.

Conclusion: The perpetrator was trying to create a perfect being: strong, telepathic, able to shift forms.

Further tests: separate a DNA sample on each body from the augmentations to try matching database records.


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